Issue - decisions

Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Statement

11/03/2021 - Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Statement



That the Cabinet:


a)         notes the funds received to date and the need to revisit CIL income calculations on Local Plan viability grounds.


b)         notes the outcome of the WSCC budget review which will impact upon the current arrangements for managing the Neighbourhood Improvement Strand of CIL funding through Crowdfund Crawley.


c)         approves that the proposed CIL strategic infrastructure spend priorities to end March 2025 (Section 7.4 of report PES/370) remain as per the previous year 2020/21.


d)         approves that the Infrastructure Business Plan (Appendix A of report PES/370), including the funding programme, will continue to be reviewed on an annual basis to take into account any changes in strategic infrastructure priorities and fluctuations in CIL receipts compared to the forecast. The next review is proposed to take place in March 2022


e)         approves a one year extension to the Spacehive contract to continue the “Crowdfund Crawley” initiative, pending a review of the community grants programme by Community Development.



Reasons for the Recommendations


To provide clarity on the way forward for Crawley’s Infrastructure Business Plan and the priority schemes for the CIL Strategic Infrastructure strand spend.


To ensure continuity for the ongoing delivery of the “Crowdfund Crawley” initiative, pending the above community grants programme review.