Venue: Committee Rooms A B & C - Town Hall. View directions
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No. | Item | ||||||
Minute's Silence Minutes: The Mayor held a minute’s silence in memory of the Council’s former Independent Standards Member, Barry Jones, whosadly passed recently. |
Disclosures of Interest PDF 75 KB In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, councillors are reminded that it is a requirement to declare interests where appropriate. Minutes: Thedisclosures ofinterests madeby councillorsare setout inAppendix Ato these minutes.
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 18 October 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 18 October 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.
To receive and consider any announcements or communications, including any additional Cabinet Member announcements. Minutes: The Mayor updated the Council on events since the last meeting, which included attending the official handing over of the keys event for the new St Catherine’s Hospice building in Pease Pottage, ending 40 years of the hospice being located in Southgate. The Mayor also attended the naming ceremony of the new flats in Brighton Road after the Council’s late Mayor, Raj Sharma.
In November, in time for Remembrance weekend, the Mayor was pleased and proud to present the new Crawley Standard, purchased with monies from the CBC Small Grants Fund, to the Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club on the mezzanine floor in the Town Hall. At the end of November, the Mayor attended the 2nd Downs Syndrome Swimming Club’s UK Championships.
Cabinet Members Councillors Rana, Nawaz, Irvine, S Mullins and C Mullins provided Full Council with further context to their Cabinet Member Announcements, as contained within the Supplementary Agenda Order Paper.
Public Question Time To answer public questions under Full Council Procedure Rule 1.1-E. The questions must be on matters which are relevant to the functions of the Council, and should not include statements.
One supplementary question from the questioner will be allowed.
Up to 30 minutes is allocated to Public Question Time. Minutes:
Recommendation 1 – Appointment of Deputy Chief Executive Minutes: The Leader presented the recommendations from the Councillors’ Employment Panel. It was noted that, following a rigorous recruitment process involving several high-calibre candidates and several rounds of interviews with the Chief Executive, staff and the Employment Panel, the Employment Panel’s nomination as the Council’s new Deputy Chief executive was Chris Page, who was currently Climate Change and Sustainability Director at the London Borough of Southwark.
The Leader of the Opposition Councillor Crow seconded the recommendation of Chris Page as the new Deputy Chief Executive and commented that he was looking forward to working with him.
That the Full Council
1. notes the Employment Panel nomination of Chris Page as the new Deputy Chief Executive.
2. agrees the appointment of Chris Page to the position of Deputy Chief Executive of Crawley Borough Council with an approximate start date of 1 March 2023, at a salary of £104,452 p.a. |
Recommendation 2 – Findings of the Reviews of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations (2023) Minutes: The Full Council considered report CEx/066 of the Chief Executive/Returning Officer. Councillor Lamb as the Chair of the Governance Committee moved the report, which set out proposals for the polling arrangements for Crawley following the statutorily required review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations. It was noted that the only proposed change from the previous scheme was that the Mill Primary Academy was no longer to be used as a polling station; the rationale being the comments received by the school as a part of the consultation process and that accessibility onto the school grounds was not adequate for voters with disabilities.
The recommendation was seconded by Councillor Crow.
The Mayor then called for a vote on the recommendation which was carried unanimously.
That Full Council approves the proposed changes to Polling Places and Polling Stations location and Scheme as detailed in Appendix A to these minutes with the Electoral Register amended to reflect new scheme commencing on 1 February 2024. |
Recommendation 3 – Changes to the Constitution Minutes: The Committee considered report LDS/209 of the Head of Governance, People & Performance which proposed various changes to the Constitution. Councillor Lamb as the Chair of the Governance Committee moved the recommendation, and it was seconded by Councillor Crow.
The Mayor then called for a vote on the recommendation which was carried unanimously.
That Full Council approves the proposed amendments to the Constitution set out in Appendix C to these minutes. |
Recommendation 4 – Budget Strategy 2024/25 Minutes: The Full Council considered report FIN/636 of the Head of Corporate Finance on the on the Budget Strategy 2024/25-2026/27. The Leader of the Council introduced the report, which set out financial projections with particular reference to the period 2024/25-2026/27 as well as the policy framework for improving financial efficiency and meeting the long-term investment needs of the town, as well as proposals for the annual budget process. It was noted that the strategy assumed several factors including that:
· Government grants would rise in line with inflation and rolled forward into 2024-25 · Council Tax be increased at 2.99% · Fees and charges be increased by 7% where feasible.
It was emphasised that the increasing cost of temporary accommodation was having a real impact on the Council’s finance and the strategy and as such a shorter term focus of 12-15 months was proposed to enable better control and monitoring of the budget gap. The recommendation was seconded by Councillor Nawaz.
Councillor Crow then moved and presented Amendment 1 (as shown in the Supplementary Agenda Order Paper). The Amendment was seconded by Councillor Ali.
A single debate occurred on both the recommendation and the proposed amendment. Councillors Irvine, Lanzer, and S Mullins all spoke during the debate.
Councillor Jones, using his right to reply, confirmed that he was willing to accept the amendment.
The Mayor then called for a vote on the amendment to the recommendation which was carried unanimously.
The Mayor then called for a vote on the substantive recommendation as amended which was carried unanimously.
That Full Council:
a) approves the process for of balancing the budget over the next 12 to 18 months, including the use of reserves to balance the budget as outlined in Section 8 of the report FIN/636.
b) approves the minimum recommended General Fund Balance remains at £3m.
c) approves the growth items for the General Fund as outlined in sections 6.3 of the report FIN/636.
d) approves the inclusion of new capital schemes in future budgets with the value of £652,000 as identified in section 9.2 of the report FIN/636.
e) notes the following highlights of the Budget Strategy:
i. that the Budget is aligned to the Council’s Corporate Priorities.
ii. the outline 3 year forecast as shown in table 6 paragraph 6.5 of the report FIN/636.
iii. that the current budget deficit of £1.012m for 2024/25 (section 6.5 of the report FIN/636.) is based on a Council tax increase of 2.99% which is £6.74. However, table 10 highlights that the gap could be higher when looking at sensitivity analysis.
iv. that there are uncertainties around Government funding prior to the settlement in December and the delay in Local Government Funding reforms such as business rates retention and the future of New Homes Bonus.
f) notes the recent welcome announcement from Government, that additional funding would be made available to assist with any additional cost pressures that arise, if significant numbers of Chagossian British citizens move to Crawley. |
Recommendation 5 – Crawley Station Gateway - Phase 1 Minutes: The Full Council considered report PES/443 of the Head of Economy and Planning. The Leader of the Council presented the report which provided refreshed concept designs for the Station Gateway (Phase 1) public realm and bus station improvements. It sought approval to go out to public and stakeholder consultation and to combine two funding streams (Crawley Growth Programme and Towns Fund) already allocated within the Council’s capital programme.
The recommendation was seconded by Councillor Nawaz.
Councillor Crow spoke on the recommendation.
The Mayor then called for a vote on the recommendation which was carried unanimously.
That the Full Council recommended to approve the amalgamation of the two funding streams (£5.4m from the Crawley Growth programme and £2m from the Towns Fund) already allocated within the Council’s capital programme to enable delivery of the project as set out in section 7.2 of report PES/443 |
Recommendation 6 – Western Boulevard Scheme - Crawley Growth Programme Minutes: The Full Council considered report PES/442 of the Head of Economy and Planning. The Leader of the Council presented the report, which updated Cabinet on the progress of the Western Boulevard scheme as part of the Crawley Growth Programme with a recommendation that Full Council agree to add £2m of BSIP (Bus Service Improvement Plan) monies to the scheme, which have been secured subject to a funding agreement with West Sussex County Council.
The recommendation was seconded by Councillor Nawaz.
Councillor Ali spoke on the recommendation.
The Mayor then called for a vote on the recommendation which was carried unanimously.
That the Full Council approves the addition of the of £1,949,419 of BSIP (Bus Service Improvement Plan) monies to the Crawley Borough Council capital programme as part of the Western Boulevard scheme, subject to a funding agreement with West Sussex County Council. |
Recommendation 7 – Crawley Innovation Centre - Additional Towns Fund Monies – PART B Minutes: The Mayor informed the Full Council that it was the intention to hold the discussion on recommendation 7 - Crawley Innovation Centre - Additional Towns Fund Monies in open public session (Part A), noting that the report PES/449 of the Head of Economy and Planning was an exempt (Part B) report.
The Leader of the Council presented the report which sought agreement to add Towns Fund monies to the Crawley Innovation Centre project and seek additional delegations to ensure the project can commence without delay.
The recommendation was seconded by Councillor Nawaz.
Councillors Lunnon, Burgess, C Mullins, McCarthy, Lamb, Crow and Belben spoke on the recommendation.
The Mayor then called for a vote on the recommendation which was carried unanimously.
That Full Council approves to reallocate £2m of Crawley Towns Fund monies from the Town Centre to Manor Royal cycle route project to the Crawley Innovation Centre project, subject to confirmation of approval of the transfer from the Government. |
Councillors' Questions Time PDF 111 KB There will be a maximum of 30 minutes for Councillors’ Question Time (CQT). Councillors may ask questions relating to either a portfolio issue or with regard to the functions delegated to a Committee.
There are two methods for Councillors asking questions:
1. Councillors can submit written questions in advance of the meeting and written answers will be provided on the evening of the Full Council.
2. Councillors can also verbally ask questions during the CQT.
Councillors have the opportunity to ask oral supplementary questions in relation to either of the methods above. Minutes:
To receive the minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Commission and Committees, as listed on page 21, and set out in the appendices to this item and to debate any Reserved Items contained within those Minutes.
NB: In advance of the meeting Political Groups can identify any items they wish to debate as a Reserved Item. These Reserved Items will then be the only matters to be the subject of debate.
Minutes: 1) Moved by Councillor K Khan (as the Deputy Mayor):-
That the following reportsbe received: Licensing Committee – 19 October 2023 Planning Committee – 24 October 2023 Overview and Scrutiny Commission – 30 October 2023 Planning Committee – 14 November 2023 Employment Panel – November 2023 Audit Committee – 21 November 2023 Overview and Scrutiny Commission – 27 November 2023 Governance Committee – 28 November 2023 Cabinet – 29 November 2023 |
Item for Debate - Proposed Fees and Charges for 2023: Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Regime Minutes: Councillor Lanzer explained the rationale for bringing forward this item for debate. He commented that paragraph 6.3 of the report that was before the Licensing Committee stated that: It is important to note that this service is required to recognise a cost-neutral position as assessed over a three-year period. The recommendation was for a 10% fare increase, but the Committee had decided upon a 7% increase. A question was therefore raised to the Chair of the Licensing Committee as to how legal the policy was if the Committee knowingly adopted an increase that meant the service would not be cost neutral, especially as there was a deficit for the service over the last three years of over £110k.
Councillors Jones and Jaggard also spoke on the subject.
Councillor Ashraf as Chair of the Licensing Committee responded to this, stating that all Committee members were given the opportunity to ask questions of the officers over the proposal before them and to express their views at the meeting. Ultimately any decision taken at the Committee was taken by the majority of Committee members and sometimes to achieve that majority, compromises or changes to the proposal were required. In regard to the fee increase, they were raised by 5% at the beginning of the year, then a further charge of £15 for compliance check and then the 7% recently agreed. |
Item For Debate - Planning Application CR/2023/0484/FUL – 9 Mill Road. Minutes: Councillor Crow explained his rationale for bringing forward this item for debate. He raised concerns over the decision that had been made, and the potential for further ‘bad’ planning decisions being made in the future. The application related to a significant development in a tight road. Only three members attended a site visit and they all voted against it having seen the location. The Committee seemed not to address concerns over the lack of parking, and how the proposed property would overlook neighbouring properties being only 9 metres away.
Councillors Burgess, S Mullins and Jaggard also spoke on the subject.
Councillor Pritchard, as Chair of the Planning Committee, responded on this item. He confirmed he understood the concerns raised at the meeting about the application, and that the Planning Committee is a quasi-judicial meeting and Committee members cannot be subject to the party whip. The Committee members must look at the evidence before them. The site had come before the Committee numerous times before, but on each occasion was judged on its merits at the time. The Committee was within its jurisdiction to add additional planning conditions and there was some learning over how planning policy was considered going forward. There was a need for improved responses from WSCC over traffic issues which it was highlighted would certainly help the Committee.
Vote to Extend the Meeting (Guillotine) Minutes: As the business of the meeting had not been completed within the scheduled two hours and 30 minutes, a vote on continuation in line with Council Procedure Rule 8.3 was held. The Mayor required the Full Council to consider if it wished to continue with the meeting.
Having put it to the vote, the Council agreed that the meeting be continued for an additional period not exceeding 30 minutes. |
Item for Debate - Treasury Management Mid-Year Review 2023-24 Minutes: Councillor Lanzer explained his rationale for bringing forward this item for debate. Referencing the report, he explained that he wished to highlight a couple of points that the total funds within treasury management combined with the Council’s investment properties totalled approximately £150m. The investment properties including the Create Building make up 30% of that figure and that is in an illiquid asset class and that factor should be remembered. The Council has about £80m loaned to other local authorities which was significant, and there were some poor interest rates including a 1.5% rate of return with Derbyshire County Council.
The treasury management policy stated that the Council cannot invest more than £10m with any one body except the Government, but there were deposits of £15m with NatWest, and up to £15m could be invested with other local authorities. The report presented some confusion on this matter.
Councillor Jones, as the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Treasury Management, responded on this item stating that he noted the comments on the property assets, whilst not necessarily agreeing, diversification to balance risk was a fair point. The Council’s treasury management was in a healthy place as it was bringing in £2.4m of additional income from investments, £600k more than expected in quarter 1. On the matter of the 1.5% interest rate with Derbyshire CC, this was set some time ago and was considered a good rate at the time but not in hindsight – however all other recent investments were at much better rates. Cllr Jones stated that he would provide councillors with further information on this matter. |
Appendix C - Changes to the Constitution (Recommendation 3) PDF 91 KB |