There will be a maximum of 30 minutes for Councillors’ Question Time (CQT). Councillors may ask questions relating to either a portfolio issue or with regard to the functions delegated to a Committee.
There are two methods for Councillors asking questions:
1. Councillors can submit written questions in advance of the meeting and written answers will be provided on the evening of the Full Council.
2. Councillors can also verbally ask questions during the CQT.
Councillors have the opportunity to ask oral supplementary questions in relation to either of the methods above.
Name of Councillor asking Question |
Name of Cabinet Member Responding |
Councillor Hellier to the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Wellbeing
Supplementary question to written question - Thank you for your response on the question. In relation to phase 2 of the funding, I welcome the fact it’s going to be linked to energy efficiencies and I would be interested to find out how we plan to use that part of the funding.
Councillor C Mullins, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Wellbeing
The most expensive energy use within K2 Crawley is the swimming pool. It is amazing that the pool has managed to stay open as we come out of the Covid pandemic and with the high rising energy costs. The money from Sport England is well received and it will be used for revenue finances for the running of the pool, which will be closely monitored. We will be working with our contractor Everyone Active as the money will assist in relieving the burdens in other areas of the business as swimming is a vital sport for health and wellbeing.
Councillor Crow to the Leader of the Council
I see that the response to my question was a referral to the Councillors’ Information Bulletin. However, this was published after my question was submitted and then tonight we have received a Cabinet Member announcement about the fountains in Queen’s Square but there is no mechanism to ask questions on Cabinet Member announcements.
Supplementary question – I discovered on Sussex World Online that the Council’s contractors Mears and Liberty are apparently taking strike action and dates are planned for January. This is the first I have heard of this. Given the industrial dispute, does the Leader and his members support this industrial action?
Supplementary question – I learned online that there was industrial action and I learned tonight that it was going to be called off but that would have been a good Cabinet Member announcement. Further to what I read online, the Unite Regional Officer said that ultimately Unite members want the contract taken back in-house by the local authority. Does the Leader support that position?
Councillor Jones, Leader of the Council
I’m afraid I don’t have much information to provide. The approach from Unite was a little unexpected. The threat of strike action preceded the approach for dialogue. I have agreed to meet with Unite to discuss this further, which has resulted in Unite cancelling the strike action that was scheduled for this month. I never said I was never willing to meet. Pay with staff has been harmonised and been increased the JNC and the delay in the pay rise has also been criticised but this was to ensure it was in line with the JNC as well. I believe we have a good, respectful dialogue with all our employee representatives.
I am not withholding any information but I do not want to engage about terms and conditions with contractors and their representatives over the council chamber. I do strive to listen very carefully to any concerns anyone wishes to raise and that includes Unite.
Councillor Russell to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change
Can I thank the Cabinet Member for writing to WSCC after the motion at the last Full Council meeting to press them to restore the recycling credits as part of the effort to help increase recycling rates. Having seen the response he received as published in the Councillors’ Information Bulletin, does he share my disappointment that it is clear that WSCC has no intention of passing on any of benefits of this recycling source they will receive by restoring the credits? Does he also believe that they are deliberately ignoring how much the changes being imposed by the Government will cost this council? Can he advise how much our officers have estimated imposing the burdens of the waste strategy are going to cost this council as the waste collection authority, on top of revenue expenditure? Is there any indication that the Government intends to pay for anything extra to cover that amount?
Councillor Noyce, Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change
I think the Cabinet Member at WSCC is failing to acknowledge the increased costs this council will be facing as the waste collection authority. The details for support costs associated with ‘Simpler Recycling’ is weighted, however it would appear that more is to fund initial capital costs and transition costs rather than ongoing revenue. Whilst it is all very well for the government to make a contribution towards purchasing the vehicles, we will still then need to pay the further costs which there is no indication the council will have support from the government. The additional revenue costs estimated by council officers is £550,000pa although with current pressures, supply chain and staff costs that final increase will be greater by 2026 when this comes into effect. This is an additional expense that no local authority can absorb easily at the moment. It is not clear at the moment what revenue support will be provided by external funding.
Councillor Ali to the Leader of the Council
Local authorities have been offered official portraits of our Sovereign King Charles III, is our portrait on the way and have we identified a suitable prominent location for our residents to enjoy?
Councillor Hart, The Mayor
The official portrait has just this week been delivered and it’s in the Mayor’s Parlour at the moment awaiting fixture so hopefully within the next couple of days it will be up in the Mayor’s Parlour.
Councillor Ayling to the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Wellbeing
Can I ask whether the Cabinet Member considers that the small grants scheme has been a success this year? I understand demand from local groups has been high so if it is looking like a small grants fund is going to be entirely spent before the end of the year. Is there any possibility that the amount available can be increased to reflect demand? Also are there any awards in the last year that have particularly stood out to you as worthwhile?
Councillor S Mullins, Cabinet Member for Community Engagement and Culture
We have a great grants scheme and give a lot of strategic grants and to some important organisations such as Relate, Citizens Advice and Open House. We give out small grants ranging from £500-£2500 to various community organisations to provide services to our local residents, and some of those then progress to apply for strategic grants as the small grant scheme provides the ‘stepping stone’ to success. This year we’ve had more applications and the £50,000 the council has to distribute has virtually been used up. Therefore, next year I am proposing that we move £10,000 from the strategic grants across to the small grants as the demand on their services has increased dramatically since Covid and there is a lack of volunteers. Ten Little Toes is a special organisation which supplies goods and baby supplies to families who are struggling. Having started in someone’s living room with the aid of a small grant, the organisation has managed to take on a lease and extend its operation.
Councillor Burgess to the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development
I would appreciate an update on the removal of the old town hall and the possible building of much needed housing in its place. Will the council have to carry the cost of both?
Councillor Jones, Leader of the Council
Officers are still working through precise arrangements for the old town hall as there is an options appraisal taking place. I hope to be able to move forward with that shortly but there are a few clarification points before I can share further information with you.
Councillor Pritchard to the Leader of the Council
I have a question about Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC), because of the prominence in the news about the concern over its use in public buildings and potential safety risks. Please can the Leader advise if officers have found any examples of this in any of our council buildings and if so, is this of immediate concern?
Councillor Jones, Leader of the Council
You are correct that the presence of RAAC in public buildings has been prominent in the news. It is worth noting that the presence of RAAC in itself does not necessarily present an immediate risk. The greater risk is where there may have been water ingress which may have penetrated the structure material. Crawley has been good over the years at managing its assets as part of the planned maintenance programme, which in turn has mitigated the potential risks of RAAC. There was RAAC reported at the theatre in Redhill which did provide concerns as to whether there was any RAAC at the Hawth, so I’m pleased to confirm that an extensive survey by the council’s Structural Engineer has been completed and I can confirm that there has been no RAAC found at the Hawth. RAAC has not been found in any council owned building with the exception of the plant room of Ashdown House, which is one of the council’s commercial properties. I understand this is confined to one small building sited on the roof of the property. An engineer has inspected it and it is stable so there is no immediate impact, and it will need to be rectified in due course. Officers are continuing to highlight buildings that are potentially high risk and that’s based around age, type of construction or water ingress and those site surveys will continue.
Councillor Jaggard to the Cabinet Member for Public Protection
The council’s Licensing Department, a service that should be self-funding, has been running at a loss for years due to the low fees and charges. Over the last 3 years, the deficit stands at approximately £114,000 which is projected to rise substantially in the future. Does the Cabinet Member feel that this is a satisfactory state of affairs for residents to be subsidising taxi drivers and when does she plan that the service to become self-funding? Which year will this happen? Other small businesses in Crawley are not subsidised so what is the criteria that is determined which businesses are to be worthy of a council subsidy?
Councillor Y Khan, Cabinet Member for Public Protection
I’m afraid I don’t have the information at the moment, but I will come back to you.
Councillor Lunnon to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change
Residents in Crawley, especially in Broadfield, are suffering from potholes at the moment. An area of particular concern is at Broadfield Barton car park which is the responsibility of Crawley Borough Council. In addition, the lighting in the Barton car park has become problematic recently. Please could the Cabinet Member confirm when the Broadfield Barton car park potholes will be repaired and also confirm the who is responsible for the lighting in the car park?
Councillor Noyce, Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change
Thank you for your question. I can confirm the potholes are due to be repaired Saturday this week. The lighting, which is the responsibility of Crawley Borough Council, underwent an assessment this week and I can confirm that the council is aiming to begin replacement of lamps and wider repairs next week.
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