Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Wednesday, 26th February, 2020 7.30 pm

Venue: Ashurst Main Hall - The Charis Centre. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

No. Item


Minute Silence and Tributes to Former Mayor and Leader of the Council Dr Howard Bloom


The Full Council observed a minute’s silence in memory of Dr Howard Bloom, a former Mayor and Leader of the Council who had sadly and suddenly passed away.


The Mayor then invited representatives from each party to pay tribute to Dr Bloom. Councillors Crow, B. Smith, Lanzer, Lamb, Burrett, Mullins and the Mayor on behalf of the Council paid their respects with heartfelt and touching tributes.


Disclosures of Interest pdf icon PDF 143 KB

In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, Councillors of the Council are reminded that it is a requirement to declare interests where appropriate.



The disclosures of interests made by Councillors are set out in Appendix A to these minutes.



Items for debate (Reserved Items) pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Prior to the introduction ofthe Minutesofthe Cabinet, Overviewand Scrutiny CommissionandCommittees (ascontained in the BookofMinutes), Memberswill be given the opportunity to indicate on which items they wish tospeak.


TheseReservedItemswill then bethe onlymattersto bethe subject ofa debate.



Councillors indicated that they wished to speak on a number of items as set out in the following table:


Page no.


Minute no.


(and the Member reserving the item for Debate)



(Decisions previously taken under delegated powers, reserved for debate only).




(Recommendation to Full Council, reserved for debate)



Governance Committee,

29 January 2020 (Minute 4)


Labour and Conservative Groups



Adoption of the New Constitution –


(Recommendation 2)




5 February 2020, (Minute 6)


Labour and Conservative Groups



2020/21 Budget and Council Tax


(Recommendation 3)




5 February 2020,

(Minute 6)


Conservative Group



Treasury Management Strategy 2020/2021


(Recommendation 4)



Planning Committee

10 February 2020.

(Minute 6)


Conservative Group


Planning Application CR/2019/0802/FUL - Bloc Hotel, South Terminal, Perimeter Road East, Gatwick, Crawley.




Full Council Agenda



Notice of Precept


(Recommendation 5)





2020/21 Budget and Council Tax - Cabinet - 5 February 2020 (Recommendation 3)


The Leader of the Council presented report FIN/491 of the Head of Corporate Finance which set out the Budget and level of Council Tax for the year 2020/21. It was noted that the report detailed each of the Revenue, Capital and Housing Revenue Accounts that combine together to formulate ‘The Budget’. In proposing the level of Council Tax for the Financial Year 2020/21, each of those accounts identified had been considered. The proposed Council Tax for 2020/21 was to be increased by 2.43%. It was noted that the report had been considered by the Cabinet on 5 February 2020 and by the Overview and Scrutiny Commission at its meeting on 3 February 2020. In presenting The Budget to the Council, Councillor Lamb also confirmed that he was happy to accept the Conservative Amendment to the proposal (Recommendation 3), which was detailed in item 16 of the Supplemental Agenda, and as such it would be included as a part of the proposed substantive Budget before the Council. The Budget report, with the inclusion of the amendment, was seconded by Councillor P. Smith.


The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Duncan Crow addressed the meeting and made his budget speech which included thanking Councillor Lamb for accepting the Conservative Amendment to the Budget. The Mayor then opened up the general debate on the proposed Budget report as amended to the Council.  Councillors Guidera, Lanzer, Irvine, Burrett, Mullins, Lunnon, Sudan and Jhans spoke during the debate with Councillor Lamb then using his right to reply.


At the conclusion of the discussion, Councillors expressed their thanks and appreciation for the work carried out by Karen Hayes (Head of Corporate Finance), the Finance Division generally and the Budget Advisory Group (BAG).


The Full Council was reminded that regulations required all Councils at their annual budget meetings to adopt the practice of recorded votes - that is, recording in the minutes of the meeting how each member present voted on any decision relating to the Annual Budget and Council Tax. This applied not only to substantive budget motions to agree the Budget and setting Council Taxes, including precepts, but also on any amendments proposed.


Following the conclusion of the debate, the Mayor invited the Head of Legal, Democracy and HR to commence the recorded voting process on the 2020/21 Budget and Council Tax as amended. Thenames of the Councillors voting for and against Recommendation 3 wererecorded as setout below:


Votingin Favour:Councillors: Ayling, A Belben, T Belben, B Burgess, R Burgess, Burrett, Crow, Eade, Fiveash, Flack, Guidera, Hart, Irvine, Jaggard, Jhans, Jones, Lamb, Lanzer, Lunnon, Malik, McAleney, McCarthy, Millar-Smith, Mullins, Mwagale, Peck, Pendlington, Purdy, Rana, Sharma, B Smith, P Smith and Sudan. (33)


VotingAgainst:Councillors: None (0)


Abstentions:Councillors: None (0)


The Mayor declared the recommendation was carried –votes in favour 33, and votesagainst 0 with 0 abstention.





That the Full Council approves the following items regarding the 2020/21 Budget:


a)         the proposed 2020/21  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Notice of Precept 2020/2021- (Recommendation 5)


Councillor Lamb presented and moved the report that set out the Notice of Precept fromthe PoliceandCrimeCommissionerforSussexand West Sussex County Council, which combined with the previously agreed Crawley Borough Council precept to formulate the 2020/21 Council Tax Resolution for 2020/21.


The recommendation was seconded by Councillor P. Smith.


Followingapproval of the Council’s Budget and Council Tax 2020/21 in Recommendation 3, and in accordance with the Local Authorities(Standing Orders)(England) (Amendment) Regulations2014, the names of the Councillorsvoting for and against Recommendation 5 wererecorded as setout below:-


Votingin Favour:Councillors: Ayling, A Belben, T Belben, B Burgess, R Burgess, Burrett, Crow, Eade, Fiveash, Flack, Guidera, Hart, Irvine, Jaggard, Jhans, Jones, Lamb, Lanzer, Lunnon, Malik, McAleney, McCarthy, Millar-Smith, Mullins, Mwagale, Peck, Pendlington, Purdy, Rana, Sharma, B Smith, P Smith and Sudan. (33)


VotingAgainst:Councillors: None (0)


Abstentions:Councillors: None (0)


The Mayor declared the recommendation was carried –votes in favour 33, and votesagainst 0 with 0 abstentions.





1.         That it be noted that on 24 December 2019 the Leader of the Council under delegated powers calculated the Council Tax Base 2020/21 for the whole Council area as 35,811.9 [Item T in the formula in Section 31B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the "Act")] ; and


2.         That the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2020/21

is calculated at £7,480,748.


3.         That the following amounts be calculated for the year 2020/21 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Act:




being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils.



being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act.



being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year. (Item R in the formula in Section 31B of the Act).




being the amount at 3(c) above (Item R), all divided by Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts).




being the aggregate amount of all special items (Parish precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.



being the amount at 3(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 3(e) above by Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no Parish precept relates.


4.         That it be noted that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Public Question Time

To answerpublicquestionsunder Council Procedure Rule10.The questionsmust be on matterswhich are relevanttothe functionsofthe Council, andshould not includestatements.


One supplementaryquestionfrom thequestioner will be allowed.


Up to 30 minutesisallocatedto PublicQuestionTime.



There were no questions from the public.



Councillor Lanzer left the Chamber in advance of the debate on the next two items. (Petitions – "No Right Turn - Three Bridges Station Objection” and Notice of Motion 1 – Three Bridges Station)



Petition - "No Right Turn - Three Bridges Station Objection"

This item seeks consideration of a petition, submitted as an e-petition, that was received by the Council’s Petitions Officer. The petition contains just over 1000 valid signatures and as such is required to be debated at Full Council.


In accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme, the Full Council has a maximum of 30 minutes at each meeting to consider petitions.  Within this time the Principal Petitioner will be given five minutes to present the petition to the Council and the remaining time will be for the Council to consider the petition.


A petition states as follows “No Right Turn - Three Bridges Station Objection”


“We the undersigned petition the council to commence a further consultation on this issue, including viable options for the retention of the right turn out of the station forecourt, and ensuring that the consultation period lasts for a sufficient period of time and is adequately publicised in order to ensure that all key stakeholders are able to participate fully.” 


“We wish to register our concerns at the implications of the loss of the right turn out of Three Bridges Station proposed as part of the re-design proposals which have recently been the subject of consultation by Crawley Borough Council, due to the negative effects we believe this will have on local residents. We also wish to express our concern about the short timeframe in which the consultation took place, and the level of publicity afforded to ensuring that all interested parties were able to have their say effectively.”


The Petition above relates to a responsibility of the Cabinet, and as such Cabinet is required to take the final decision.  At this meeting Full Council will consider the petition and decide whether or not to make recommendations to inform the Cabinet’s decision.


It should be noted that the “Three Bridges Station Improvement Final Design” report is scheduled to be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 11 March 2020.  Prior to that Cabinet meeting, the Overview and Scrutiny Commission will scrutinise the report at its meeting on 9 March 2020.


The Principal Petitioner will receive written confirmation of this decision. The confirmation will also be published on our website.


Full Council decisions, relating to petitions, which are not unanimous require a recorded vote/s.


The Full Council is recommended to:


1.         Receive the contents of the petition and the views expressed by the Principal Petitioner.


2.         Decide which of the following options to take (noting that any such recommendation must formally moved and seconded):


a)    Note the petition without making any recommendations to inform the Cabinet’s decision.


b)    Note the petition and ask Cabinet (at its meeting on 11 March 2020) to consider the contents of the petition.


c)    Support the petition and ask Cabinet (at its meeting on 11 March 2020) to commence a further consultation on this issue, including viable options for the retention of the right turn out of the station forecourt, and ensuring that the consultation period lasts for a  ...  view the full agenda text for item 7.


The Full Council considered the e-petition which had been received by the Council’s Petitions Officer.  As the petition contained over 1000 valid signatures it was required to be debated by Full Council.  The petition stated as follows “No Right Turn – Three Bridges Station Objection”.


“We the undersigned Petition the council to commence a further consultation on this issue, including viable options for the retention of the right turn out of the station forecourt, and ensuring that the consultation period lasts for a sufficient period of time and is adequately publicised in order to ensure that all key stakeholders are able to participate fully.”


“We wish to register our concerns at the implications of the loss of the right turn out of Three Bridges Station proposed as part of the re-design proposals which have recently been the subject of consultation by Crawley Borough Council, due to the negative effects we believe this will have on local residents. We also wish to express our concern about the short timeframe in which the consultation took place, and the level of publicity afforded to ensuring that all interested parties were able to have their say effectively.”


As the Petition related to a responsibility of the Cabinet, the Cabinet was required to take the final decision.  The Full Council was however required to consider the petition and decide whether or not to make recommendations to inform the decision of the Cabinet.  In accordance with the Council’s petition Scheme, the Full Council had a maximum of 30 minutes to consider the petition.


Janet Seymour, the Principal Petitioner, presented the petition to the Full Council (the presentation is attached as Appendix B to these minutes).


Councillor P Smith, as Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development, addressed the meeting, thanking the Principal Petitioner for submitting the petition.  Councillor P Smith then made the following points:


·       As a long-term resident of northern Crawley he used Three Bridges Station on a frequent basis.

·       The petition requested that viable options be considered which retained the right-hand turn.  Although the project was being managed by Crawley Borough Council, highways were the responsibility of West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and as such that element of the development was not the responsibility of Crawley Borough Council and would be deferred to WSCC.

·       Had it been feasible to incorporate a right-hand turn into the Scheme it would have been retained.  Ultimately no right-hand turn had been incorporated into the design as its retention had not been deemed feasible.

·       Three consultation exercises had already been undertaken in relation to the Scheme.  As a result of those consultations adjustments had been made to the Scheme including a new access to the eastern platform of the station, and engaging a company to carry out traffic modelling to inform the design options.

·       Further consultation would not add value.


Councillor P Smith then moved recommendation 2(b) which was seconded by Councillor Irvine.  Recommendation 2(b) proposed that the petition be noted and that Cabinet be asked (at its meeting  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Notice of Motion 1- Three Bridges Station pdf icon PDF 179 KB

Toconsider,in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13, thefollowing Notice ofMotion tobemoved by Councillor McCarthyand seconded byCouncillor Jaggard



The Council considered the Notice of Motion 1 ‘Three Bridges Station’ as set out in the Full Council’s agenda. The Motion was moved and presented by Councillor McCarthy and seconded and supported by Councillor Jaggard.


Councillor P. Smith moved and presented the Labour amendment, (as shown in Supplementary Agenda Order Paper). The amendment was seconded and supported by Councillor Lamb.


During the lengthy and passionate debate both on the original Notice of Motion and the proposed amendment, Councillors T. Belben, Irvine, Burrett, Malik, Guidera, Lunnon, B Burgess, Pendlington and A Belben all spoke during the debate on the merit on the original Notice of Motion and the proposed Amendment before the Full Council.




Duration of the Meeting (Guillotine)


Councillor Lanzer returned to the Chamber for the vote on the use of Guillotine.



As the business had not been completed within the scheduled 2 hours 30 minutes a vote on continuation, and in line with Council Procedure Rule 2.2, was held. The Mayor required the Full Council to consider if it wished to continue with the meeting.


Having put it to the vote, the Full Council agreed that the meeting be continued for an additional period not exceeding 30 minutes.



Councillor Lanzer then left the Chamber in advance of the continuation of the debate on Notice of Motion 1 – Three Bridges Station.



Notice of Motion 1 - Three Bridges Station (Continued)


Following the resumption of the debate Councillor McCarthy used his right to reply to speak at the end of the debate.


The Mayor then called for a vote on the proposed Labour Amendment to the Motion, which was carried by 17 votes in Favour, 15 Against and 0 Abstentions


The Notice of Motion as amended was then agreed.





“This Council recognises the importance of Three Bridges Station to the whole town, and welcomes the completion of the recent consultation on the forecourt development designs.


Whilst the Council supports the key principles of the scheme, and welcomes the many benefits this will bring for all users of the station complex, it also recognises the significant and widespread concerns expressed by a large number of respondents to the recent consultation exercise and by a much greater number of residents who participated in the recent e-petition, all of whom have very grave reservations about the loss of the right turn movement out of the station and the negative effects this will have for drivers leaving the station to travel to Pound Hill, Maidenbower, Worth, Forge Wood and villages to the east of the town, and on taxi drivers and their passengers, all of whom will suffer increased journey times as a result of not being able to turn right out of the station.


In the light of the significant public concern, the Council resolves to ask the Cabinet to request that West Sussex County Councilprovide an alternative scheme based on either a modified version of the previously considered Option 3 as detailed in the Traffic Modelling Summary dated January 2020, or on similar alternatives, to retain the right turn out of the station complex, and to carry out a further public consultation exercise on any new scheme the County Council produces on this basis.”



Councillor Lanzer returned to the Chamber at the conclusion of the debate.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 440 KB

To approve as a correct recordthe minutesofthe meetingof the Full Council held on 16 December 2020.


The minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 16 December 2019 approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.




Minutes of the Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Commission and Committees pdf icon PDF 177 KB

1)            Toreceive theminutes ofthe meetings ofthe Cabinet,Overviewand Scrutiny Commission and Committees, as listed on page 19, and set out in the appendices to this item.


2)            Toadopt any of therecommendationsto Full Council,which have notbeenreservedfor debate and as listed on page 19, and set out in the appendices to this item.



Additional documents:


Moved by Councillor Malik (as the Deputy Mayor):-





That the following reportsbe received:

Planning Committee – 17 December 2019

Planning Committee – 14 January 2020

Cabinet – 15 January 2020

Licensing Committee – 20 January 2020

Governance Committee – 29 January 2020

Overview and Scrutiny Commission – 3 February 2020

Cabinet – 5 February 2020

Planning Committee – 10 February 2020



Moved by Councillor Malik (as the Deputy Mayor):-


Thatthe recommendationcontained inthe reportson thefollowing matters,which had not been reserved for debate, be adopted:-


Councillors’ Allowances Independent Remuneration Panel 2020Governance Committee – 29 January 2020 (Recommendation 1)


The Full Council considered reportLDS/156 of the Head of Legal, Democracy and HR which previously been considered by the Governance Committee – 29 January 2020





That Full Council approves the extension of the current Councillors’ Allowances Scheme to encompass the 2020/21 financial year.



Adoption of the New Constitution - Governance Committee, 29 January 2020 (Recommendation 2)


The Full Council considered report LDS/157 of the Head of Legal, Democracy and HR, which had previously been considered by the Governance Committee on 29 January 2020. The Chair of the Governance Committee presented the report, and in doing so moved the Recommendation, which detailed the proposed draft new Constitution of the Council and the process used to devise the new document. It was explained that the draft new Constitution had been written in association with, and unanimously endorsed by, the Constitution Review Working Group (CRWG), based on the principles agreed by the Governance Committee at its meeting on 15 March 2017.


The aim of the Review had been to produce a Constitution which was more user friendly, fit for purpose and modern in structure, to enable users to take decisions and/or understand procedures and protocols in a manner that encouraged efficiency. The proposed Constitution was now 220 pages (it had been 496 pages at the start of the Review), and the new version was clearer and easier to both read and use. It was asked that thanks be recorded to Chris Pedlow (Democratic Services Manager) and Mez Matthews (Democratic Services Officer) for their hard work on the rewrite of the Constitution. Councillor Burrett, as the Vice Chair of Governance seconded the recommendation and the report also endorsing thanks to the officers.


Councillor Crow moved and presented the Conservative amendment, (as shown in Supplementary Agenda Order Paper). The amendment was seconded and supported by Councillor Lanzer.


The Mayor then opened up the general debate on Recommendation 2 and the proposed Amendment. Councillor Jones spoke on item, which was followed by a Motion moved by Councillor Lamb and seconded by Councillor McAleney of ‘putting the Recommendation/ Amendments to the vote’.  The Mayor called for a vote on the procedural motion which was carried by 18 Votes in Favour, 13 votes Against with 2 Abstentions.


The Mayor then held a vote on the Conservative Amendment, which fell by 16 votes For and 17 votes Against with 0 Abstention.


The Mayor then called for a vote on the substantive Recommendation 2 which was carried unanimously.





That Full Council


a)        approves the new Constitution as set out here, noting the trial element of Written Public Questions and extending the provision for Public Question Times.


b)        delegates that the Monitoring Officer bring the adoption of the new Constitution into effect as soon as practicable.



Treasury Management Strategy 2020/2021 - Cabinet -5 February 2020 - (Recommendation 4)


The Full Council consideredreport FIN/493 of the Head of Corporate Finance, which had previously been considered by the Cabinet on 5 February 2020 and by the Overview and Scrutiny Commission on 3 February 2020. The Leader of the Council presented the report advising that the strategy covered two main areas: treasury management issues and capital related matters. It was highlighted that the Council had a statutory requirement to produce a Treasury Management Strategy.


Councillor Crow also spoke on the item and the recommendation.


Councillor Lamb moved the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor P. Smith.


The Mayor then called for a vote on Recommendation 4, which was carried by 17 votes in Favour, 0 Against and 15 Abstentions.





That the Full Council approves:


a)         the Treasury Prudential Indicators and the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement contained within Section 5 of report FIN/493;


b)         the Treasury Management Strategy contained within Section 6 of report FIN/493;


c)         the Investment Strategy contained within Section 7, and the detailed criteria included in Appendix 3 of report FIN/493.


Duration of the Meeting (Guillotine)


As the business had not been completed within the additional period of 30 minutes after the vote on continuation, and in line with Council Procedure Rule 2.2, the Mayor required the Full Council to consider if it wished to continue with the meeting and having put it to the Full Council, the meeting was continued for an additional period not exceeding 30 minutes.




Planning Application CR/2019/0802/FUL - Bloc Hotel, South Terminal, Perimeter Road East, Gatwick, Crawley - Planning Committee - 10 February 2020.


Councillor Jaggard advised that her rationale for bringing the item forward was that she had been quite shocked that the application included hotel bedrooms without any window or access to natural light. She was also concerned that there was no Council policy objecting to hotels not having any window or access to natural light. Whilst she understood, by the nature of the hotel being at the airport terminals, that most users only stayed for one night, it was still felt that other premises might use the Bloc Hotel as a precedent and include hotels room without any window or access to natural light. She hoped that the Council could change its policies to ensure that loophole was not exploited.


Councillors Guidera, P. Smith and Sharma all spoke on the issue and supported the concerned raised.


Councillor Malik, as the Chair of the Planning Committee, ended the debate commenting that he also support a change in policy on the matter and stated that he would speak to the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development over addressing the issue as a matter of urgency.





To receive and consider any announcementsor communications.


The Mayor reported that as 2019 had been the 550th anniversary of Sikhism's founder Guru Nanak he had attended a number of functions in relation to the celebration.  He also drew the Full Council’s attention to the significance of this anniversary given the recent appointment of the Council’s first Sikh Cabinet Member.  The Mayor had also hosted the Mayor’s Christmas Ball where he had felt the absence of former Councillor, Leader and Mayor Dr Howard Bloom.


Councillors' Written Questions pdf icon PDF 264 KB

To answer Councillors’ writtenquestionsunder Council Procedure Rule 11.3.


Additional documents:


Councillors’ written questions, together with the answers, were published in advance of the start of the meeting with the Council’s Supplementary Agenda under item 11


Questions were as follows:-


Questioner:                 Councillor Lunnon

Addressed to:             Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Subject(s):                  The modelling exercise used for considering options within regarding the potential for a right turn as part of the Three Bridges station



Questioner:                 Councillor Burrett

Addressed to:             Leader of the Council

Subject(s):                  Number of FTE’s the Council employees and the number of staff disciplinary cases, and staff grievance cases dealt with by the Council  




Announcements by Cabinet Members

Anopportunityfor CabinetMembersto report verbally (ifnecessary)on issuesrelating totheirPortfolio not covered elsewhere on the agenda.



Cabinet Member



Councillor B Smith

(Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Community Engagement).



I wanted to inform the Council that we are now receiving applications for grants from our voluntary organisations and they would be going through the Council in the normal way.  I believe we should be grateful for the work of the voluntary organisations because without them this town would be a much poorer place.  Charities provide many services to the town and its residents which the Borough or County Councils cannot provide, and many residents benefit greatly from the services provided by those charities.  The Council will do its best to fulfil the requests of those charities who submit a grant application.  I want to thank the charities for the work they do for us all.




Questions to Cabinet Members

To answer questionsto CabinetMembersunder Council Procedure Rule 11.2.


Up to 15 minutesisallocatedfor questionsto CabinetMember


Name ofCouncillor askingQuestion

Name ofCabinet Member Responding

Councillor Guidera to the

Cabinet Memberfor Wellbeing


You very generously and kindly visited Chichester Close Playground with Councillor Mwagale when she was newly elected back in October and it is worse now than it was then.  We visited the playground and, I don’t know why, but there is now fencing erected around the swings which are all wrapped up so now, what is left of the park is essentially a really knackered old roundabout, the larger slide and then the older slide (which is for the toddlers) which I don’t believe is fit for purpose and I don’t think any toddler should be playing on it.  The other thing is the wooden fencing is half missing around the corner so all that money spent on the path and gate, which I assume was to prevent dogs running into the park, doesn’t have any effect as it is now wide open to any stray dogs (and in fact there is a stray dog that runs around that field which is regularly reported on).   Do you have any idea of how quickly we can expect some kind of changes to the situation?


Councillor Mullins (CabinetMember for Wellbeing)


I have been discussing this very recently and we do see how important the state of Chichester Close Play Area is.  It has been moved right up the list in priority and it will get done as soon as possible.  We are about to constitute a small working party (cross-benches) to re-assess the unsupervised play areas because the original list we had is now somewhat out of date and we are getting further reports in about the deterioration of some of the older ones.  Obviously we should be proud of the ones we have refurbished, but some of the older ones are in a state now and we are doing a reassessment.  I can assure you and Councillor Mwagale that I was quite shocked at the condition of the Chichester Close one and I will make sure that it gets an early priority.  It is not possible to give a timescale but we will get a working party together and, if you wanted to put yourself forward for it, you will be able to discuss the details there.


Councillor Eade to the

Cabinet Memberfor Wellbeing


A few years ago I met with you, officers and teenage skaters at Southgate Park where we discussed an extension for the learners and less skilled skaters to use. Has there been any progress on that?


Councillor Mullins (CabinetMember for Wellbeing)


Now you have raised it with me I will raise it at my Portfolio Briefing this Friday and see where we are with it.  I can’t answer the question tonight, but I will look into it.


Councillor Crow to the

CabinetMember for Public Protection and Community Engagement


In just over two months’ time in early May we have a very special date  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.


Questions to Committee Chairs

To answer questionsto Committee Chairs.


Up to 15 minutesisallocatedfor questionsto CommitteeChairs.



Name ofCouncillor askingQuestion

Name ofCommittee Chair Responding

Councillor Lanzer to the Chair of the Planning Committee


There was recently a planning application at Steers Lane for 185 new homes which has been granted on appeal.  How did it get into the appeal process?  I understand it was because we ran out of time to make the determination ourselves, if that is the case, why did that happen?


Councillor Malik –(Chair of the Planning Committee).


Just to confirm that I am replying, not as the Deputy Mayor but as the Chair of the Planning Committee.  I cannot recall the application you are referring to, but I will find out about it and get back to you.


Appendix A - Disclosures of Interest pdf icon PDF 148 KB

Appendix B - Speech by Principal Petitioner pdf icon PDF 177 KB