Issue details

Crawley Borough Council - move to unified communications

CBC's current state of telephony is outdated i.e. doesn’t support agile working with users tied to desk phones, there are issues with call quality and the overall service is deemed poor. The Covid-19 pandemic laid bare the current telephony system’s inability to support remote working.

Additionally, CBC’s telephony contract is coming to an end in Q1 2021. CBC are investing in a new telephony and contact centre solution that enables the agile transformation vision and provides a dynamic and flexible service for staff and Councillors, with considerable benefits.

Report FIN/501 which was considered by Cabinet on 24 June 2020 identified this decision as requiring approval by the Leader however, due to the final costs being significantly lower than initially indicated, the decision no longer requires approval by the Leader and has been taken by the Head of Digital and Transformation as a Significant Operational Decision.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/10/2020

Decision due: 30 Sep 2020 by Head of Digitial & Transformation

Contact: Simon Jones, Head of Digital and Transformation Email:
