Decisions Made

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Decisions published

29/10/2019 - Statement of Community Involvement October 2019 Factual Update ref: 275    For Determination

A key legal requirement of the Local Plan Review is that it must be prepared in accordance with an up-to-date adopted Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The current SCI was adopted by Cabinet on 8 February 2017 and was published to the website.
However, this document requires some factual update and minor amendments ahead of the Local Plan being considered by Cabinet/Full Council for Publication and Submission in order to reflect the current position:
• “other planning guidance documents” constituting SPD, and deleting reference to “other” planning guidance documents;
• the changes to the process and adoption procedures for planning documents so all SPDs are approved by Portfolio Holder, rather than some being Cabinet decisions;
• changes to the Development Management processes, including the introduction of pre-application charges
• some clarifications to the processes and procedures relating to Neighbourhood Planning and Neighbourhood Plans; and
• the change from “Forward” Planning to “Strategic” Planning.

Decision Maker: Head of Economy and Planning

Decision published: 12/11/2019

Effective from: 29/10/2019


To approve the Statement of Community Involvement November 2019 Factual Update as the council's adopted SCI in accordance with Section 18 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended).

Lead officer: Clem Smith

29/10/2019 - Local Development Scheme October 2019 Factual Update ref: 276    For Determination

A key legal requirement of the Local Plan Review is that it must be prepared in accordance with an up-to-date adopted Local Development Scheme (LDS). The current LDS was adopted in January 2019 by delegated decision by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development, and was published to the council's website. This LDS set the overarching timetable for the Local Plan Review.
However, this document requires some factual update and minor amendments ahead of the Local Plan being considered by Cabinet/Full Council for Publication and Submission in order to reflect the current position:
1. Extending the time period covered from ‘2019 – 2021’ to ‘2020 – 2022’.
2. Updates to the description of the Local Plan Review (confirming the review as a formal update for the Plan) and the timetable in order to reflect the slight delay in the Reg. 18 consultation; the timetable going forward is as established in the January adopted LDS.
3. Updates to reflect the evidence base progress.
4. Inclusion of reference to potential other DPDs which may need to be progressed following the Local Plan Review.
5. Inclusion of reviews for a number of the adopted SPDs which will be affected by the Local Plan Review, and reference to updating the guidance on Planning Obligations (the intention will be to establish contributions through an Annex in the Local Plan, as this can no longer be done through SPD).

Decision Maker: Head of Economy and Planning

Decision published: 12/11/2019

Effective from: 29/10/2019


To approve the Local Development Scheme October 2019 Factual Update as the council's adopted LDS in accordance with Section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended).

Lead officer: Clem Smith

13/03/2019 - Watercourse and Drainage Management Services Contract (Exempt Paragraph 3) ref: 274    Recommendations Approved

To seek Cabinet approval to request delegated approval to award the Watercourse & Drainage services contract for 5 years (until 2024) with an option to extend for a further 2 years until 30th June 2026.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 13/03/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2019

Effective from: 13/03/2019


Exempt Paragraphs 3


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)



The Cabinet Member for Environmental Services and Sustainability presented report HPS/17 of the Head of Major Projects and Commercial Services which sort approval to request delegated authority to award the Watercourse and Drainage Contract to the most advantageous (winning) tenderer and enter into a contract to progress the delivery of the service being provided within the agreed budget.  The duration of the contract will be for an initial period of five years from 1st July 2019 until 30th June 2024, with an option to extend the contract for up to a further two years until 30th June 2026.  The estimate value of the contract is £100,000 per annum. 




That the Cabinet delegates authority to the Head of Major Projects & Commercial Services in consultation with the Head of Corporate Finance, the Head of Legal, Democracy and HR, the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for the Environmental Services and Sustainability to enter into a contract with the most advantageous (winning) tenderer to progress the delivery of these works and services.  


The estimated value of the contract is £100,000 per annum and the contract term is for an initial period of five years commencing 1st July 2019 until 30th June 2024. The procurement will include an option to extend the contract for a further two years, subject to an acceptable performance review. (Generic Delegation 3 will be used to enact this recommendation).



Reasons for the Recommendations


The existing contract for Watercourse & Drainage Maintenance (Grill Clearance & Emergency Works) has provided a means of ensuring that the Council delivers on those liabilities associated with its Watercourse & Drainage Management function.  The current contract expires on 30th June 2019 and the recommendation will provide continuity of service thereafter.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: John Braidley

13/03/2019 - Irrecoverable Debts 2018/2019 ref: 273    Recommendations Approved

While the Council endeavours to collect all debts due to the council, there will inevitably be some debts that remain irrecoverable. Individual debts of up to £50,000 can be written-off using delegated powers. This report will seek authority to write off individual debts in 2018/2019 of over £50,000 and also provide a summary of debts written off using delegated authority.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 13/03/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2019

Effective from: 13/03/2019


The Leader of the Council presented report FIN/463 the Head of Corporate Finance, which sought approval to write-off debts to the Council that were considered to be irrecoverable and exceed the delegated limit of £50,000 per write-off. The proposed write off in excess of £50,000 totalled £465,312.38.





That the Cabinet approves the write-off of the Business Rates debt of the following


Name &  Address






Genus UK Ltd      

15 County Mall

Entered into CVA




Hhgl Ltd                             

Homebase, Crawley Avenue

Entered into CVA




New Mount Properties Ltd

8 & 9 Queens Square

Offshore Company Unenforceable



Smokin Joes Crawley Ltd

75 County Mall

Proposal to strike off




The Buyco Ltd

Pegasus Place                       

In Liquidation










Reasons for the Recommendations


The Council’s Constitution necessitates amounts exceeding £50,000 requiring writeoff to be approved by the Cabinet.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Karen Hayes

13/03/2019 - Proposed Article 4 Directions for Main Employment Areas ref: 272    Recommendations Approved

To propose an introduction of new Article 4 Directions that would apply to specific main employment areas. The intention of the Directions would be to remove permitted development rights that currently allow the B1a (office), B1c (light industrial) and B8 (storage and distribution) premises to convert to residential use through prior approval.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 13/03/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2019

Effective from: 13/03/2019


The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development presented report PES/314 of the Head of Economy and Planning, which detailed the proposal to issue Article 4 Directions on four key employment areas within the Borough, namely: Lowfield Heath, Maidenbower Business Park, Tilgate Forest Business Centre and the majority of the Three Bridges corridor (including Denvale Trade Park, Stephenson Way, Spindle Way). It was noted the Council had previously placed an Article 4 Direction for the Manor Royal due it being the main employment area with the Borough.


The purpose of the use of the Article was to protect offices and other employment hubs, from being conversed to housing by permitted develop. It was stated that the problem with the use of permitted development was, firstly that no planning requirements such as minimum floor space conditions, bin stores, or infrastructure contributions such as CIL or S106 payments were required for such developments. Secondly it was significantly reducing the employment opportunities for residents of the Borough, by removing office and thus employment venues, it meant there would be less places where people could work.   


Councillors Lamb, Jones, Skudder and Thomas also spoke as part of the discussion in support of the report. Views were expressed in support of the recommendations as the use of office block conversions to housing normal meant unsuitable living conditions for those residents of those building and hindered local government by removing the funding through CIL and S106 payments to provide the required infrastructure for those properties.





That the Cabinet


a)         approves the making of non-immediate Article 4 Directions under the Town and Country (General Permitted Development Order) 2015, removing the permitted development right for offices (Use Class B1a), light industrial (Use Class B1c) and storage and distribution (Use Class B8) to convert to residential (Use Class C3) for the areas outlined in bold on the plans at Appendix A. The Directions will apply to the designated main employment areas at Lowfield Heath, Maidenbower Business Park, Tilgate Forest Business Centre and the majority of the Three Bridges Corridor.


b)         delegate authority to the Head of Economy and Planning in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development to formally confirm the non-immediate Article 4 Directions set out at 2.1(a) above following the 12 month notification period, if having fully considered all representations made during the consultation period, they are of the opinion that the Article 4 Directions should be made. (Generic Delegation 3 will be used to enact this recommendation).


c)         requests that work commences to scope the feasibility and expediency of making a Town Centre Article 4 Direction(s) and that a consideration report be brought back to Cabinet on this matter in due course.



Reasons for the Recommendations


Crawley’s economy has grown by 31% since 2010, and there is strong potential for further economic growth in Crawley. Many existing companies are seeking to expand their operations, and new companies are enquiring about opportunities to locate in the borough. However, a major impediment to continued growth is that Crawley has a very limited supply of available new business land, and the Local Plan identifies a land supply deficit of 35 hectares. Further, the borough of Crawley has lost 61,500 square metres of commercial space to residential development via permitted development rights.


In some cases, main employment areas have been undermined to such an extent by the introduction of residential uses, that the overall employment function of the designated area has been lost. Non-immediate Article 4 Directions are therefore proposed for selected main employment areas, in order to remove these permitted development rights, and protect the important economic function of these locations.



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Anthony Masson

13/03/2019 - Social Mobility Scrutiny Panel Final Report ref: 271    Recommendations Approved

The Social Mobility Scrutiny Panel was established to “investigate the state of social mobility within the borough and practical steps which can be taken to ensure that a child’s outcomes are no longer capped “by those of their parents”.

Its purpose was to analyse, review and understand a local (and national) perspective on the extent of the problem, together with the main challenges in delivering greater social mobility and practical steps which can be taken by Crawley Borough Council and other organisations to improve the life chances of those growing up in Crawley

The report documents the Panel’s findings together with any developing outcomes within the Council which may assist in steering or influencing service priorities, whilst also reviewing any partnership working and identifying any improvements.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 13/03/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2019

Effective from: 13/03/2019


The Chair of Social Mobility Scrutiny Panel, presented report OSC/276, which contains the Social Mobility Scrutiny Panel’s finding from their review into social mobility within Crawley. Councillor Sudan informed the Cabinet that the review was set up following Crawley being ranked as the worst in the South East, for social mobility by the Government’s Social Mobility Commission. The Panel focused on three areas of social mobility, education, housing and employment and across its five meetings considered evidence from Headteachers, the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills at West Sussex CC, individuals from Open House and officers from the Council’s Housings and Economy and Planning divisions, along with other quantitative evidence.


The key finding arising from the reviews included the seeming need for the continuation of Alternative Provision Service for those past the age of 16 to cover those people still in full time education, the expansion of Employ Crawley following it initial success, and where possible a 'tenure blind' approach to housing design.


Councillor T Belben presented the Overview and Scrutiny Commission’s comments of support and their endorsement of the Panel’s findings.


In considering the report the Councillors P. Smith, Thomas and Lamb all spoke as part of the discussion on the Panel’s report. Councillor P. Smith commented that he as the Cabinet Member that was responsible for many of the areas covered by the review, that he was happy to endorse and enact the Panel recommendation that were related to his remit.





The Cabinet approves:


a)         General; put forward suggestions to the Social Mobility Commission on how the social mobility index can be further improved e.g. including information about residents who have relocated out of the local authority area following periods of further education.

b)         Housing; continue to support the Council’s commitment to building social housing.

c)         Housing; that consideration be given to a 'tenure blind' approach to housing design wherever possible.

d)         Employment; recognise and continue to support the good work that is taking place with the Council’s Employment and Skills Plan.

e)         Employment; that, as part of the Employment and Skills Plan, consideration be given for bringing training providers together to embark upon a solution for adult learning and re-training (adult education).

f)          Employment; that, as part of the Employment and Skills Plan, further work be undertaken with the ‘Information and Advice Group’ (IAG) to engage with junior children and careers advice, particularly on how to access pathways.

g)         Employment; that, as part of the Employment and Skills Plan, support additional funding opportunities to expand Employ Crawley.

h)         Employment: that the Head of Legal, Democracy and HR, on behalf of the Council, give consideration to the Council becoming a Social Mobility Employer through the Social Mobility Foundation.

i)          Education; that the Leader, on behalf of the Council, request WSCC to further consider that the Alternative Provision Service continues past the age of 16.

j)          Education; that the Leader, on behalf of the Council, request WSCC to further consider that the Access and Exclusion Team resources could be involved at an earlier stage.

k)         Education; that consideration be given to incorporating careers advice into the Junior Citizen Scheme run by the Council.

l)          Education; that the Council continues to support the ‘Be the Change’ initiative.

m)       Education; that the Council continues to support Crawley College in building closer co-operation with local employers, to help develop skills pathways into better paid jobs for more Crawley residents.

n)         Education; that further promotion should take place with regards to Free School Meals (FSM), as this benefits both pupils and schools. Schools receive additional funding from the government for each child registered for FSM.


Reasons for the Recommendations


To address some of the concerns around the low level of social mobility within the town. These are practical steps that can be taken by the Council, and other relevant organisations, to improve the life chances of those growing up in Crawley. 


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Chris Harris

13/03/2019 - Employment and Skills Programme 2019-2024 ref: 270    Recommendations Approved

The Employment & Skills Plan (E&SP) was first published in February 2016 and significant progress has been made since then in terms of programme delivery. This report will present a summary of that progress and seek approval of a revised, updated version of the E&SP.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 13/03/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2019

Effective from: 13/03/2019


The Cabinet Member for planning and Economic Development presented report PES/313 of the Head of Economy and Planning, which provided an update on the success of the original Employment and Skills Programme, which was started in 2016, including Employ Crawley, Town Centre Skills Academy Crawley Developer and Partner Charter Crawley STEMfest and that the Council has employed nine apprenticeships during the period. It was noted that Employ Crawley was seen as one of the greatest success with over 300 residents having received support interventions. The report also present the proposed programme going forward to 2024 including the creation of the building/ construction Skills Academy.


Councillor T Belben presented the Overview and Scrutiny Commission’s comments on the report to the Cabinet following consideration of the matter at its meeting on 11 March 2019, including their the Commission support for the Employment and Skills Programme especially the links with Crawley College over devising professional skills courses and the promotion of the Apprentice schemes across the Borough.


Councillors Lamb Skudder and Thomas also spoke as part of the discussion on the report.





The Cabinet approves


a)         approves the draft Employment and Skills Programme 2019-2024 shown in Appendix A to report PES/313


b)         delegates authority to the Head of Economy and Planning in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development to (generic delegations 5 and 7 will be used to enact this recommendation):


i)      the final Employment and Skills Programme 2019-2024, noting and considering any responses or representations received during the present period of stakeholder consultation;


ii)     the regular update the Employment and Skills Programme 2019-2024 to take into account the delivery details of the individual projects listed within it, as they come forward;


Reasons for the Recommendations


This report seeks Cabinet approval of the draft, revised Employment and Skills Programme 2019-2024.



Lead officer: Stass Kolakovic