Issue - decisions

Tenancy Policy (Crawley Homes)

09/03/2023 - Tenancy Policy Crawley Homes



That the Cabinet:


a)            approves the Tenancy Policy (Appendix A to report CH/199) for adoption and subsequent publication.


b)            delegates authority to the Head of Crawley Homes, in consultation with the Cabinet member for Housing, to review and make amendments to the Tenancy Policy as further changes to legislation and statutory guidance are introduced.


(Generic Delegation 7 will be used to enact this recommendation).


c)            delegates to the Head of Crawley Homes the variation process required for introductory flexible tenancies under Section 103 of the Housing Act 1985


(Generic Delegation 3 will be used to enact this recommendation)



Reasons for the Recommendations


In line with the Localism Act 2011 and Regulatory Standards, it is a requirement for social landlords to have a policy in place which sets out their approach to offering tenancies and making best use of stock, as well as how they will manage and sustain tenancies.


The proposed Tenancy Policy sets out the Council’s revised approach.