Issue - decisions

UK Shared Prosperity Fund

24/11/2022 - UK Shared Prosperity Fund



That the Cabinet:


a)         approves the Council’s intention to secure the funding based on the approach agreed at the Town’s Fund Board as set out within the submission (Appendix A of report DCE/14)

b)         delegates authority to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council to approve the governance arrangements for the programme.


c)         delegates authority to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Head of Governance People and Performance, to negotiate, approve and complete all relevant documentation including legal requirements.


(Generic Delegations 2 & 3 will be used to enact this recommendation)


d)         requests that Full Council approves the financial provision for the receipt and allocation of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund funding.


Reasons for the Recommendations


Crawley has been allocated £1m over three years under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), part of the Government’s Levelling-Up agenda. To obtain that funding a submission has been submitted by the Council following an approach agreed at the Towns’ Fund Board. As the accountable body, the Council must put in place suitable arrangements to receive, manage and distribute the funding in such a way as to ensure delivery.