That the Cabinet:
a) considered and notes the feedback received following the consultation and consideration of the Licensing Committee (as set out in Section 8 of report HCS/050).
b) agrees that the Council will write to the West Sussex CC Education Service to request that anti-gambling be included within the curriculum, as suggested by the Overview and Scrutiny Commission.
c) requests that Full Council approves, adopts and authorises for publication the proposed revised Statement Licensing Policy (Gambling) for the period 2023-2025 as set out in Appendix A of report HCS/050.
Reasons for the Recommendations
It is a statutory requirement under the Gambling Act 2005 for a Licensing Authority to
prepare and publish a Statement of its Licensing Policy every three years. The Council is the Licensing Authority for gambling matters in the borough of Crawley. It is therefore necessary to agree and develop the proposed Statement of Licensing Policy (Gambling Act) to discharge the Council’s role in its capacity of Licensing Authority for the 3 year period 2023 – 2025.
To ensure the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy (Gambling) is revised and published for the coming 3 years as required by Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005 and that this is done in accordance with procedures, legislative requirements and is complaint with statutory guidance regarding consultation.