Issue - decisions

Financial Outturn 2021-2022 (Quarter 4)

07/07/2022 - Financial Outturn 2021-2022 (Quarter 4)




1.         That the Cabinet:


a)     notes the outturn for the financial year 2021/22 as summarised in report FIN/572. 


b)     notes that this has been an exceptional year where it has been very difficult to do accurate financial projections.


c)      approves that £97,000 be added to the Capital programme, funded from Government Grant for Changing Places Toilets as outlined in Section 9.10 of report FIN/572.


2.         That Full Council be recommended to approve to the transfers of reserves as outlined in section 10 of report FIN/572.



Reasons for the Recommendations


To report to Members on the projected outturn for the year compared to the approved budget.