Exempt Paragraphs 3 & 5
- Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)
- Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.
That the Cabinet
a) approves, in principle the negotiation and securement of an agreement with NHS Property Services Ltd for CBC Parking Services to continue the operation and enforcement of the Off Street Parking Order (OSPO) at Crawley Hospital Car Park.
b) delegates the negotiation, agreement terms, duration and approval and completion of all relevant legal documentation to the Head of Community Services in consultation with the Head of Legal, Governance and HR, Head of Corporate Finance and appropriate Cabinet Member. This will include:
- Fulfilment of the legislative requirements associated with the Off Street Parking Order
- Lease agreement
- Service Level Agreement
Reasons for the Recommendations
The recommendations are required to ensure that the operation and enforcement of the OSPO for Crawley Hospital Car Park are legally compliant and in place as soon as possible. The recommended approach aims to provide a balance between ensuring a compliant, high quality service which continues to support the wider needs of residents and businesses relating to local traffic congestion and mitigate any future potential risks.