Issue - decisions

Modern Slavery Statement

13/01/2022 - Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement




That the Cabinet approves


a)      the publication of the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement as attached at Appendix A to report FIN/539.


b)      that the Leader of the Council be delegated the approval of minor amendments and subsequent annual statements for publication, in consultation with the Head of Legal, Governance and HR, Head of Community Services and Head of Corporate Finance.



Reasons for the Recommendations


a)         The adoption and publication of a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement is considered best practice and is likely to become a statutory requirement within the next 12 months.


b)        The approval of the statement shows the commitment of Crawley Borough Council to tackling modern day slavery in the community and in its supply chains. It also supports the principles set out in the Social Value Charter which is used within our procurement processes.