Agenda item

Planning Application CR/2017/0483/FUL - Land Adjacent to Dobbins Place, Ifield, Crawley

To consider report PES/241(b)of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services.






The Committee considered report PES/ 241 (b) of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services which proposed as follows:


Erection of 4 two bedroom houses and 2 two bedroom flats (amended plans received).


Councillors Boxall, B J Burgess, Guidera, Jaggard, Portal Castro, Skudder, Stone, Tarrant and Thomas declared they had visited the site.


The Group Manager (Development Management) provided a verbal summation of the application and the following updates:-


Condition 4 – Correction / clarification

·         north east should read ‘north west’.

·         word ‘building’ should read ‘flats’.



Delete Conditions 5 and 7 as set out in the report and replace as below:


Condition 5

The development hereby permitted shall be set out and implemented strictly in accordance with the finished floor levels shown on drawing 4982 DE 02 Rev F – Site plan and drawing 4982 DE 17 Rev B – Site Section A-A and the surrounding land levels for the gardens and hard surfaces shall remain as specified on the drawings.

REASON: as per original condition.


Condition 7

The development hereby permitted shall be constructed and managed in accordance with the Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) reference 2946 Revision 1, dated August 2017 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON – as per original condition.



Condition 11 - Amendment

At the end of the first sentence, insert words to read ‘hard and soft’ landscaping scheme.


Councillor Stone, who spoke from the public gallery as Ward Member, addressed the Committee objecting to the application, whilst Ms Katie Lamb, Planning Consultant, addressed the Committee in support.  Many of the concerns raised by Councillor Stone reflected those detailed in the report, including in particular, those made on the grounds that the development was out of character with the surrounding area, would have a harmful impact on the local highway, and noise emanating from traffic.


The Committee then considered the application.  In response to issues raised, the Group Manager (Development Management):


·         Explained that in terms of the proposed dark grey colour of materials used for some of the development’s external walls, there was still scope within the conditions to consider the use of lighter materials and finishes, which Officers will note and do.

·         Explained that whilst the development was within an area of Structural Landscaping, the visual contribution of this site to the wider area was considered limited due to it previously being developed.  The loss of this area was not considered to harm the remaining structural landscaping area, and that the development in terms of its layout would protect and enhance the remaining area of structural landscaping.

·         Explained that in terms of concerns raised on impacts on the proposed dwellings from the nearby Tesco Express Store, the Council’s Environmental Health department were consulted on the application and had no objections. It was not considered that the activity of the store would have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of future occupiers, and no complaints had been received from the occupiers of the two existing residential flats above the store or other nearby properties.

·         Indicated that the distance from the Tesco Store to Poynings Road dwellings was approximately the same as to the proposed new properties.

·         Referred to the fact that rivers and water features were common place within the Crawley area.  There were no reasons to secure additional measures via planning condition given the proximity of the nearby pond, as with all such water features children would need to be supervised.

·         Confirmed that no issues had been raised by the Council’s Environmental Health Department with regard to air pollution.

·         Indicated that the application had been submitted with a Transport Statement and a Road Safety Audit.  WSCC as the Highways Authority had commented that the existing access arrangements to the site would accommodate the anticipated level of vehicular activity. They had no objections to the proposed development, subject to conditions. 

·         Confirmed that the development complied with parking standards, and there were not considered to be any detrimental highway impacts.

·         Explained that given the distance and orientation of the proposed dwellings, the scale and design of the proposal, and proposed window positions, it was not considered that the proposal on balance, would have an overbearing impact or harm amenities to the occupiers in Poynings Road.   

·         Confirmed that all the proposed units would be affordable housing.




Permit, subject to:


(i)         The conclusion of a S106 Agreement to secure affordable housing and the tree mitigation contribution, as outlined in paragraphs 5.23 to 5.25 of report PES/ 241 (b).


(ii)        The conditions set out in report PES/ 241 (b), and the updated conditions above.


At this point Councillor Rana left the meeting and did not return.



Supporting documents: