The Full Council considered report OSC/292 of the Chair of the Climate Change Scrutiny Panel, Councillor Jaggard. In July 2019, Full Council declared a Climate Emergency with Councillors pledging to take local action to aim to reduce carbon emissions generated by Crawley Borough Council’s workings and activities by at least 45% by 2030 and to zero by 2050. The motion to Full Council also asked the Overview and Scrutiny Commission (OSC) to convene a Scrutiny Panel to look into and make recommendations focusing upon the workings and activities of Crawley Borough Council relating to carbon emissions and to report to Council as soon as is practicable.
Councillor Lamb introduced the report to the Full Council and noted the climate emergency declared in 2019. The town was a large contributor to carbon emissions and there was an obligation to address this. The economy had been affected as a result of the Covid19 pandemic, and it would be important to look to green technologies to strengthen this in the future. There was a need to deliver changes for future generations.
The item had previously been considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Commission and Cabinet on 1 February 2021 and 3 February 2021 respectively. Councillor Lamb moved the recommendation, which was seconded by Councillor Jhans, who in doing so welcomed the report and noted that the call to action was clear. The Panel Chair and Panel members were thanked for a comprehensive report and for bringing together creative recommendations. It was acknowledged that the Panel had considered a broad range of topics and that the recommendations would be evaluated by the officers’ advisory group to be incorporated into the climate change emergency action plan.
Councillor Jaggard then had the opportunity to speak as the Scrutiny Panel Chair, noting the huge public interest in the panel and the public engagement sessions that had taken place. The officers, Cabinet members and witnesses who attended were thanked for the detailed, informative and valuable sessions. The Panel had worked on a themed approach over a series of months, covering a baseline audit, transport, business/commercial, blue/green infrastructure and domestic/residential. There were difficult decisions to be made however it was a balancing act between convenience, cost and behaviour. There was unanimous agreement to reduce carbon emissions in 2019 and everyone needed to act. This report was the catalyst to do just that.
Councillors P Smith, McCarthy, Lanzer, B Burgess, Ayling and the Mayor also spoke on the report.
Following the conclusion of the debate, the Mayor invited the Democratic Services Manager to commence the voting process. Before the vote commenced, it was confirmed that none of the Labour of Conservative Members requested to vote as an individual, rather than through their respective Group block vote.
For the recommendation: Labour block vote of 15 votes, and Conservative block vote of 17 votes, Councillors Fiveash and Sudan. (34)
Against the recommendation: None (0)
Abstentions: (0)
The Mayor declared the recommendations was carried – votes in favour 34, and votes against 0, with 0 abstentions.
That Full Council:
a) endorses the Scrutiny Panel’s findings and recommendations contained within
report OSC/292
b) requests that any necessary revisions to the Council’s Constitution relating to
paperless committee meetings be made.
c) requests that the Governance Committee look at the future format of the Council’s formal and informal meetings to consider which should be face to face, virtual or hybrid.