Agenda item

Planning Application CR/2017/0418/FUL - 14 The Chase, Furnace Green, Crawley

To consider report PES/240(b)of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services.





The Committee considered report PES/240 (b) of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services which proposed as follows:


Erection of first floor front extension over garage, two storey rear extension (amended plans and description)


Councillors Jaggard, Tarrant and Thomas declared they had visited the site.


The Principal Planning Officer (Marc Robinson) provided a verbal summation of the application and provided the following update:-


·         In terms of the Plans and Drawings Considered, as set out in the report, the Plan reference number for the “Proposed Floorplans” should be amended to read 1681 125-6A, whilst the Plan reference for the “Proposed Elevations” should be amended to read 1681 125-7B.

·         Condition 4 has been updated, as set out below:


4.         The windows above the first floor in the northern and southern elevations of the building shall at all times be glazed with obscured glass and apart from any top-hung vent, be fixed to be permanently non-opening up to 1.7m in height from the finished floor level.

REASON: To protect the amenities and privacy of the adjoining properties, in accordance with policy CH3 of the Crawley Borough Local Plan 2015-2030.


·         Whilst, since the publication of the report, an additional representation had been received raising an objection to the application, the issues raised had already been covered in the report.


Ms Barbara Hope and Mr David Hope addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  Many of the concerns raised reflected those detailed in the report,

including those made on the grounds of design, scale and loss of privacy.


The Committee then considered the application.  The Committee discussed the issues arising, including the concerns raised by the objectors, with some Members expressing their own concerns on the grounds of the front extension having an overbearing impact on the street scene. 


In response to issues and concerns raised, the Principal Planning Officer:


·         Emphasised that there was no reference on the plans and drawings which suggested that the proposed first floor front extension over the existing garage would project further than the intended 2.2 m from the front elevation – which was in line with the existing garage.

·         Commented that with regard to the landscaping of the front garden, this was not part of the proposal for this application and therefore could not be considered in the determination of this application.

·         There was a significant distance between 14 and 12 the Chase, with a property between them.

·         Commented that whilst the gable roof on the front extension would significantly alter the appearance of the dwelling, there were other properties within the Chase which had similar front gable features on their front elevation, including No. 13 the adjacent neighbour (north) and No. 10 opposite (west) and it was not out of keeping within the street scene.

·         Indicated that whilst the front of the property was much further forward to the footpath than some neighbouring properties, and that the front extension was greater than the Council’s own guidance, the proposed front extension would project no further than the existing garage, and that compared with other dwellings in the area, it was considered that the design and scale of the proposal was acceptable, and would not have an adverse impact on the appearance of the dwelling or the street scene.

·         Emphasised that condition 4 would be an ongoing requirement, ensuring that the windows above the first floor in the northern and southern elevations of the building should at all times be glazed with obscured glass.





Permit, subject to the conditions set out in report PES/240 (b) and the updated condition 4 above.

Supporting documents: