To consider report LDS/210 of the Head of Governance, People & Performance.
The Committee considered report LDS/210 of the Head of Governance, People & Performance which provided an update on the Council’s Strategic Risks.
The Corporate Performance Manager highlighted the following minor clerical corrections to the report and Register:
· Risk 9 (maintaining a balanced budget): paragraph 7.3 of the report stated that the post mitigation score has increased from 12 to 16. That should be amended to read “…from 12 to 15”. The Risk Register identified the correct score.
· Risk 10 (Organisational Capacity: Recruitment, Retention & Succession Planning): the ‘no control’ score should be 15 on the Register. The Committee noted that the live Register had been updated.
A discussion took place on the Council’s risk management processes and the Strategic Risk Register. It was acknowledged that, although a risk score had not yet been attributed for the presence of RAAC (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete) in Council properties (Risk 18), the Committee agreed it was useful to flag the potential risk early with its inclusion on the Register.
In response to a query raised, the Committee was informed that, other than homelessness, other broader related risks regarding maintaining a balanced budget (Risk 9) had not been included on the Register as those risks would be included in the Budget Strategy Report which would be a publicly available report.
Following a query, the Committee was reminded that the Risk Register was a ‘live’ document and officers throughout the Council were encouraged to raise any potential risks. Those risks would then be added to the Register if appropriate.
In response to a query raised by the Independent Member regarding the ‘no control’ and ‘post mitigation’ scores for cost of living (Risk 15) being identical, it was clarified that the risk did not likely meet the financial level identified in the risk assessment criteria to warrant a higher risk score. Following further discussion, and at the suggestion of the Independent Member, the Committee agreed that the Chief Executive / Corporate Management Team be requested to review the risk description for Risk 15 so it reflected how the Council’s inability to support residents might impact the Council’s ability to provide services to its residents.
1. That the Committee confirm it is satisfied with risk management arrangements.
2. That the Chief Executive / Corporate Management Team and/or Cabinet be requested to:
a) Review the risk description for ‘cost of living’ (Risk 15) so it reflected how the Council’s inability to support residents might impact the Council’s ability to provide services to its residents.
b) Clarify the details of the damp and mould community events being planning with regard to ‘damp and mould’ (Risk 17).
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