To consider report PES/440aof the Head of Economy and Planning.
The Committee considered report PES/440a of the Head of Economy and Planning which proposed as follows:
Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a parcel distribution centre (class B8) including car and cycle parking, servicing, landscaping, new access and associated works.
Councillors Ali, Jaggard, and Mwagale declared they had visited the site.
The Principal Planning Officer (VC) provided a verbal summation of the application, which set out a proposal to construct a warehouse building for use as a parcel distribution centre bordering the Manor Royal Business District. It was explained that the recommendation was that the Committee delegate the decision to permit the application to the Head of Economy and Planning. The Officer then gave details of the various relevant planning considerations as set out in the report.
Hayden Kreetzer, the agent (Quod), spoke on behalf of the applicant in support of the application. Matters raised included:
· The development was purposely designed for its intended occupier (DPD). It was predicted that 130 jobs at different levels were to be created and £6m would be brought to the local economy.
· The building was designed to reflect its location on the border of the Manor Royal Business District to the south and open countryside to the north. A green roof was proposed which would create a biodiversity net gain and a BREEAM ‘excellent’ rating was to be achieved.
· Traffic modelling had shown that there was capacity on nearby roads and junctions to account for an increase in vehicle movements.
The Committee then considered the application. Further information was sought regarding the potential impact of an increase in traffic around the application site. The Officer confirmed that a transport assessment had been undertaken, which predicted an additional 77 two-way vehicle movements in the morning peak period and 82 in the afternoon peak period. West Sussex County Council, as highways authority, had concluded that there would be no unacceptable impact on nearby roads and junctions as there was currently excess capacity, and had raised no objection to the proposals. Hydehurst Lane was a privately-owned highway; any damage to the road would fall to the owner to repair.
Committee members sought more detail about the proposed changes to the ponds currently at the site and any related flood risk. The Officer clarified that the pond at the eastern end of the site was to be retained and enhanced. The pond in the central section was to be removed; underground storage tanks were to be installed underneath the car park to collect rainwater to protect against flooding. The existing drainage features at the western end of the site were to be retained. The measures set out in the drainage strategy had been considered by specialists and were deemed sufficient to mitigate any water displacement caused by the development.
Committee members raised several other points as part of the discussion:
· A concern was raised that the development was located within the boundary of safeguarded land for the potential future development of a second runway at Gatwick Airport. The Officer confirmed that the site was outside the boundary in the adopted Local Plan, so there was not currently any planning policy that would prohibit the application from being permitted on these grounds.
· The design of the building and the proposed landscaping were considered to be attractive. Reassurances were sought regarding the safety of the materials used for the wood cladding.
· The proposal to move to an all-electric fleet of large goods vehicles serving the site was praised for its sustainability benefits. The Officer confirmed that the details of the proposal were provided as part of the documentation with the application, and would be secured through the S106 agreement as part of air quality mitigation measures.
· The report set out that there would be no overspill of parking on to local roads as the proposed parking provision was sufficient for all vehicles associated with the development, but queries were raised as to how this would be monitored. The Officer highlighted that Hydehurst Lane was privately-owned and monitoring and enforcement was the responsibility of the owner.
Delegate the decision to permit the application to the Head of Economy and Planning, subject to:
1. A satisfactory conclusion to the notification process with Gatwick Airport and the Civil Aviation Authority in accordance with the requirements in Annex 1 of the Town and Country Planning (Safeguarded Aerodromes, Technical Sites and Military Explosives Storage Areas) Direction 2002;
2. The conclusion of a Section 106 legal agreement to secure:
• Financial contribution of £11,552 Manor Royal improvements
• Air Quality Mitigation Measures - all electric LGV fleet and to secure additional EV charging spaces within the service yard for these vehicles
• Travel Plan and monitoring fee of £3,500
• Secure the planting, management and maintenance of the 15m landscaping buffer to the north of the application site;
And the conditions set out in report PES/440a.
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