Agenda item

Councillors' Questions Time (continued)


Following the agreement of the Full Council to continue the meeting, the Mayor restarted Councillors' Questions Time.


Name of Councillor asking Question

Name of Cabinet Member Responding

Councillor Lanzer to the Leader of the Council


On the Communications side of his portfolio, we heard the Mayor state earlier that there was the Civic Ball, however this year there has been a deficit on the communications regarding the Civic Ball as it is normally well publicised after the event providing information such as how much it raised, the charity supported and how much the event cost. But I have not detected anything.


Councillor Jones, Leader of the Council



Unfortunately I had a family commitment and was unable to attend the Mayor’s Ball this year but I understand it was well attended.  I am not aware of any communications regarding the Ball but I imagine any lack of communication was not intentional so I will check with the Communications Manager and confirm.


The Mayor


The raffle for that evening raised just under £800.


Councillor Crow to the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development


In August I was pleased to join with you in College Road once the cycle paths and Eastern Gateway scheme were completed.  Since then, how many times have you observed a cyclist using the cycle paths either in College Road or The Boulevard?



Supplementary Question –

 Thank you for your answer and I would add this is a joint project with the County Council.  I can say that sadly I have only seen one person use the cycle paths and also seen a pedestrian walk all the way down the path too.  Should we consider learning from previous projects and usage when it comes to future schemes?  


Councillor Nawaz, Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development


I actually follow one of the cycling forums on social media in Crawley and there are positive comments about it. However at the same time there are comments that people are not using the cycle paths. But obviously once all the cycle network is connected, we’ll probably see more use of it.



 I think previous lessons could be considered in other schemes.

Councillor Piggott to the Cabinet Member for Resources


I would like to follow up on any possibility of a Tree Preservation Order searchable database for the public.


Councillor Malik, Cabinet Member for Resources


I am aware the old system has been updated as part of the Transformation Plan and I will find out further information for you and update.


Councillor Jaggard to the Cabinet Member for Wellbeing


The Maidenbower community centre is hired out to various children’s groups.  Is the Cabinet Member aware that the community hall has been without heating for the last few weeks according to residents, and what can be done and perhaps refunds offered to the groups that have hired it out and been impacted?


Councillor C Mullins, Cabinet Member for Wellbeing


Thank you for raising as I was not aware but if it has been reported it should have been repaired. I have a briefing on Friday and I will follow up. 

Councillor Lanzer to the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development


Many Crawley people enjoy the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Is the Cabinet Member aware of an application for Crawley to make a contribution to the management plan of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is he aware of what the Council’s response was, and the reason behind that response please?


Councillor Nawaz, Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development



Thank you for your question. I’m not aware and I’ll ask officers and respond to you.

Councillor Burgess to the Cabinet Member for Housing


Thank you for the information in the Info Bulletin in December. I would like updated information on affordable social rents to be sent through please.  I have previous figures but would like updated figures emailed please. As housing costs should not exceed a third of households’ total income what can be done to assist our tenants?

Councillor Buck, Cabinet Member for Housing


Please can you send me an email with your queries and I’ll be able to answer more fully.