Agenda item

Public Spaces Protection Order - Keep your dog on a lead in Tilgate Park – Recommendation 2 (Continued)


Following the agreement of the Full Council to continue the meeting, the Mayor restarted the discussion on the proposed PSPO.


Councillor C Mullins then spoke on the proposals. Given the amount of green space within the borough it was welcomed that individuals and dog walkers took the opportunity to visit other parks within the town.  There has had to be a recognition of all visitors to the park and where issues have occurred in certain areas. Safety has been considered for the wildlife, public as well as the dogs themselves.  The Council wishes to work with dog owners and engage with them further going forward.


With no further speakers the Mayor invited Councillor Jones to use his right to reply. It was noted that there were few PSPOs within the town and each decision to implement had been taken seriously.  Safety was the key factor to be considered and there had been incidents including those related to activities on the golf course.  It was felt that a repeat consultation would not necessarily change the overall response and would create further delay.  It was emphasised that dogs were not to be banned from the park but merely to be on-lead in certain areas as set out in the proposals and this could be reviewed within the three year period.


Following the conclusion of the debate on the proposed PSPO, the Mayor called for an adjournment to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer over the voting process to be used for this item.


On resumption of the meeting the Mayor confirmed the approach to be used for the various votes on the amendments/options before the Full Council. The first vote would be on the technical amendment contained within the Supplementary Agenda Order Paper, followed by a vote on the tabled amendment moved by Councillor Lanzer that a further consultation be held on the agreed PSPO. The final vote would be a straight vote between the two options for the proposed PSPO, namely Councillor Jones’ moved option X or Councillor Crow’s moved option 3 and this vote would be held as a recorded vote.


The Mayor called for a vote on the technical amendment of the replacement to paragraph 8 of the draft PSPO order contained on page 111 of the agenda, with the revision contained within the Supplementary Agenda Order Paper. The amendment was carried unanimously.


The Mayor then called for a vote on Councillor Lanzer’s proposal that the Council goes out to further consultation on the option including the maps that Full Council approve for the PSPO. With 11 votes for, 19 against, and 1 abstention, the amendment fell and was not carried.


Finally the Mayor called for a recorded vote on options X and 3 and invited the Democracy and Data Manager to commence the recorded voting process.


For Option X – (with the restricted area covering main lake, Peace Garden and lawn area and golf course within Tilgate Park)

Councillors: Ayling, T Belben, Buck, Burgess, Hart, Irvine, Jhans, Jones, K Khan,     Y Khan, Lamb, Lanzer, Lunnon, Malik, C Mullins, S Mullins, Nawaz, Noyce, Pritchard, Raja, Rana and Sivarajah. (22)


For Option 3 – (with the restricted area covering main lake, Peace Garden and lawn area within Tilgate Park)

Councillors: Ali, A Belben, Bounds, Burrett, Crow, Jaggard, McCarthy, Mwagale and Peck (9)


Abstentions – (0).





The Full Council approves and makes the PSPO order as set out in Appendix C to these minutes (which includes the technical amendment) with the restricted area covering the main lake, Peace Garden, lawn area and golf course within Tilgate Park, as shown in the plan set out in Appendix D to these minutes.