
Bulletin No: IB/1216, Councillors' Information Bulletin - Tuesday, 16th January, 2024

No. Item


Delegated Planning Decisions pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Delegated planning decisions for the week beginning 8 January 2024 are attached.  Contact for enquiries: Jean McPherson, Group Manager (Development Management) on


Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders pdf icon PDF 49 KB

The following documents are attached in relation to Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders:

·        List of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders.

·        Footpath from Guinness Court to Woodmans Hill, Broadfield (Appendix A).

·        Reynolds Place, West Green (Appendix B).

·        Broomdashers Road, Three Bridges (Appendix C).

·        The Boulevard, Northgate (Appendix D).

·        Church Road, Pound Hill (Appendix E).

·        Bycroft Way, Three Bridges (Appendix F).

·        Ifield Wood, Ifield (Appendix G).

·        Three Bridges Road, Three Bridges (Appendix H).

Additional documents:


Changes to Previously Advertised Road Closure Dates

Charlwood Road

The closure of Charlwood Road in Crawley which was previously taking place on 22nd January 2024 has been postponed to 29th February 2024 and is now due to end on 1st March 2024.  To see the specific location and for more information about this closure please visit - if you have any questions please contact


Martyrs Avenue

The closure of Martyrs Avenue in Crawley which was previously taking place on 23rd January 2024 has been postponed to 1st March 2024 and is now due to end on 2nd March 2024.  To see the specific location and for more information about this closure please visit - if you have any questions please contact


Action Taken Under Delegated Authority: Housing Revenue Account Property Portfolio Rents for 2024/25

Councillor I Irvine, Cabinet Member for Housing, exercised their delegated authority on 15 January 2024 to approve the recommendation in the Housing Revenue Account Property Portfolio Rents for 2024/25 consideration report CH/204 which was published in Councillors’ Information Bulletin IB/1213 to:

  • Increase rents for social and affordable dwelling rents by 7.7%
  • Increase rents for shared ownership and hostels by 7.7%.
  • Increase service charges as follows:


Accommodation Type

Revised Service Charge

Current Service Charge

% Increase

Enclosed Blocks (including leaseholders)






£18.01 (Bewbush Manor £10.74)

30% (118%)

Milton Mount (including leaseholders)




Bridgefield House (leaseholders only)





Councillor Irvine took the decision to limit service charge increases to 12% (for all properties where service charges apply, except hostels) as he deemed it was in the best interest of residents to limit the increase.  Councillor Irvine decided to increase service charges by 30% (118% Bewbush Manor) as it is necessary to ensure services provided via the General Fund are self-funding.


Councillor Irvine took the decision to not take forward the introduction of cleaning and laundry service charges for sheltered housing as he deemed it was not in their best interests to take that forward.


Further information was also received before Councillor Irvine exercised their delegated authority, the additional information refers to the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rate and the impact on Affordable Rents, as a result it took longer for the decision to be taken and more time was required to consider this new information.  The information provided is as follows:


Size of accommodation

Weekly amount

Indicative LHA Rates

% Increase


























As a result of the above information Councillor Irvine took the decision to increase Affordable Rents by 7.7% (CPI + 1%) in line with all other rent increases. 


Rental income has a significant impact on the HRA business plan projections and the Council’s ability to both maintain its existing stock, develop new properties and plan for decarbonisation. Increasing rents by CPI + 1% ensures we can continue to invest in Council stock.


Access to Local Support for Debt Issues pdf icon PDF 382 KB

The Council has produced leaflets with Independent Food Aid Network.  These leaflets were produced last year and we are currently raising awareness as it is a peak time after Christmas for residents to have money worries and debt issues.


Independent Food Aid Network are an independent charity who with Crawley have co designed leaflets ‘Worrying About Money?’ these are straightforward resources, both for people facing money worries and support workers. The step-by-step guides identify which local agencies are best placed to help people maximise income and access any existing financial entitlements. IFAN have collaborated with over 100 local authorities in Scotland, England and Wales to co-produce cash first referral leaflets.


The leaflets have been distributed to local community groups, Wellbeing team, Financial Inclusion Officers, Access Crawley and other front facing staff within Crawley Borough Council. They have also been sent out to be placed on Community Centre Notice boards. Please find attached a PDF of the leaflet, a copy of which has been placed in each of the Councillors pigeonholes.


There is also an online interactive tool which will take residents through a step by step process signposting to local support to assist them. This is part of the Help with Money Worries Crawley Page under Budgeting and debts | Crawley GOV.


Any queries please contact



Press Releases

Press releases are available at