No. | Item |
Delegated Planning Decisions PDF 62 KB Delegated planning decisions for the week beginning 4 December 2023 are attached. Contact for enquiries: Jean McPherson, Group Manager (Development Management) on |
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders PDF 46 KB The following documents are attached in relation to Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders: · List of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders. · Artel Croft, Three Bridges (Appendix A). · Charlwood Road, Langley Green (Appendix B). · Prestwood Lane, Crawley (Appendix C). Additional documents: |
Change to Membership: Overview and Scrutiny Commission In accordance with Paragraph 2.1(o) of the Full Council Procedure Rules contained within the Constitution, and in concurrence with the wishes of the political group, the Head of Governance, People & Performance has made the following change to the membership of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission:
· Councillor Pritchard to be replaced with Councillor Raja.
This change takes immediate effect. |
Action Taken Under Delegated Authority (Significant Operational Decision): Modern Polling Digital Poll Clerk On 14 November 2023 the Head of Governance, People & Performance agreed to sign a 4yr contract with Modern Democracy Ltd for Modern Polling Digital Poll Clerk.
Digitisation within the poll station will aim
to alleviate some of the issues facing Crawley Borough Council when
managing the Poll. This will generate
many additional benefits for Election staff and management,
ultimately providing a better experience for the voter. |
Action Taken Under Delegated Authority (Significant Operational Decision): Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23 For each financial year, starting from 2019/20, we are required to publish an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS). This is made up of three parts: · Section 106 Report: including a summary of section 106 income and expenditure (including details of some non-monetary · contributions); details of projects on which section 106 receipts were spent or allocated; and the amount of section 106 receipts retained at the end of the financial year · CIL Report: including a summary of CIL income and expenditure; details of projects on which CIL was spent or allocated; and the amount of CIL retained at the end of the financial year · Infrastructure List: a statement of the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure which we intend will be, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL.
On 12 December 2023 the Head of Economy and Planning approved the publication of the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23. The decision was taken in accordance with the delegation to the Head of Economy and Planning to approve operational documents including the Authority’s Monitoring Reports.
The Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23 has been published and can be found here. |
Recycling Support Payments PDF 78 KB At its meeting on 18 October 2023 (minute 9 refers) the Full Council resolved to request that the Cabinet Member for the Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change write, on behalf of Crawley Borough Council, to West Sussex County Council (WSCC) calling on them to reinstate the recycling credits payment scheme that used to help borough and district councils within the county area to pay for and implement initiatives to increase recycling.
The letter written by Crawley Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for the Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change to WSCC is attached, and the response received is attached as an appendix to this item. Additional documents: |
Councillor Training: Personal Safety and Handling Online Abuse and Intimidation Information on an upcoming training session for Councillors is attached for Councillors only. |
Staff Changes: November 2023 Staff changes for November 2023 are attached for Councillors only. |
Press Releases Press releases are available at |