No. | Item |
Delegated Planning Decisions Delegated planning decisions for the week beginning 14 February 2022 are attached. Contact for enquiries: Jean McPherson, Group Manager (Development Management) on |
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders The following documents are attached in relation to Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders: · List of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders. · Broadfield Drive, Broadfield (Appendix A). · Pelham Drive, Broadfield (Appendix B). · Breezehurst Drive, Bewbush (Appendix C). · Albany Road, West Green (Appendix D). · Crawley Southwestern Bypass (westbound) (Appendix E). Additional documents: |
Road Closure: A2220 Horsham Road A road closure notice for the A2220, Horsham Road, is attached. |
Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme (LAD2) Information relating to the Green Homes Grant is attached. |
Tilgate Park Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) are intended to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in a particular area that is detrimental to the local community’s life. PSPOs impose conditions on the use of that area which apply to everyone. They are designed to ensure public spaces can be enjoyed and kept safe from antisocial behaviour.
At Cabinet on 12th January 2022, it was agreed in principal to implement a PSPO to prohibit dog related anti-social behaviour in Tilgate for a period of 3 years and authority was given to the Head of Community Services in consultation with the Head of Legal, Governance & HR to commence a formal PSPO process including the statutory public consultation.
The proposed PSPO will require all dogs to be on a lead at all times within the restricted area and NO dogs will be permitted in the children’s play area and Walled Garden, including the Nature Centre. Working assistance dogs will be exempt from the PSPO. The PSPO will be enforced by the Council’s Community Wardens and Fixed Penalty Notices will be issued for any dogs seen not on a lead by the Community Wardens.
Public consultation is being undertaken to see whether there is public support for having such a PSPO in Tilgate Park. The consultation will be taking place between 25th February and 23rd March, including face to face sessions in Tilgate Park on Saturday 12th March and Thursday 17th March, posters will be displayed within the park promoting the consultation and in all neighbourhood noticeboards, as well as promotion via social media.
Key dates:- · Consultation with key stakeholders and the public: 25th February – 23rd March · Cabinet briefing: 15th June · Overview & Scrutiny Commission: 4th July · Cabinet: 6th July · Full Council: 20th July |
Homelessness Strategy Review The Council’s Homelessness Strategy review will be published on the Council’s website. |
Consideration Report: Determine Strategic Grant applications for 2022/2023 and Grants Budget Consideration report HCS/040 of the Head of Community Services is attached for Councillors only. |
Let's Talk Crawley: Communications Toolkit Following the letter Councillors recently received from Pennie Ford, Executive Managing Director at NHS West Sussex CCG, outlining plans to start a conversation with people in Crawley about current health and care services, it has been confirmed that this has now started.
The online engagement platform is live and NHS West Sussex CCG will be working with communities and groups over the next five weeks to hear their views on services in the town and how these can be further improved.
Attached (for Councillors only) is a Communications Toolkit pack, provided by NHS West Sussex CCG, which they have asked us to share with you in case you may find it useful when talking to the local community about this matter. There will also be translated versions of these materials available next week. |
Press Releases Press releases are available at |