Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Wednesday, 17th July, 2024 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms A B and C - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Minute's Silence


The Mayor held a moment of silence in memory of former Mayor and Councillor Bill Ward, former Chairman of the Council and Councillor Barbara Anderson, former Councillor Ken Trussell, former Councillor Carole Murdoch, and Sir Peter Hordern former Crawley and Horsham MP who have sadly passed since our last ordinary Full Council meeting.


The Mayor then invited representatives from each party to pay tribute. Councillors Chris Mullins and Crow paid their respects to Bill Ward, Councillor Ian Irvine paid his respects to Barabara Anderson, Councillors Crow and Jones paid their respects to Ken Trussell, Councillors Hilton and Lanzer paid their respects to Carole Murdoch, and finally Councillor Lanzer paid his respect to Sir Peter Hordern.


Disclosures of Interest pdf icon PDF 26 KB

In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, councillors are reminded that it is a requirement to declare interests where appropriate.


The disclosures of interests made by Councillors are set out in Appendix A to these minutes.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 244 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 24 May 2024.



The minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 24 May 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor, subject to the following amendment that the word ‘Deputy’, be removed from the first line of Minute 2 on page 5.



Communications pdf icon PDF 21 KB

To receive and consider any announcements or communications, including any additional Cabinet Member announcements, long service badges and gifts to former Councillors.


The Mayor provided the Full Council with a brief update on the Mayoral events attended including special celebratory events for the 80th D-Day anniversary, Windrush day, and Armed Forces Day. The Mayor also provided details over attending the Community Awards at the Hawth, amongst many other events.


Councillor S Mullins Cabinet Member for Community Engagement and Culture provided two items of communications to the Full Council, the first related to news from the Crawley’s Military Partnership, where the Council have recently been awarded a Silver award. The national precious award relates to how the Council treats and supports our veterans that interact with the Council. It was noted that to achieve an award was an accomplishment as not easily achievable.


The second Councillor S Mullins provided the Full Council with further context to their Cabinet Member announcements, as contained within the Supplementary Agenda (Order Paper), in respect of the success of the round the lake festival held in Tilgate Park, over the last few days and put on by Creative Crawley and funded by the Arts Council.



Public Question Time

To answer public questions under Full Council Procedure Rule 1.1-E.  The questions must be on matters which are relevant to the functions of the Council, and should not include statements.


One supplementary question from the questioner will be allowed.


Up to 30 minutes is allocated to Public Question Time.


Questions asked in accordance with Full Council Procedure Rule 1.2-D were as follows:





Nicholas Venes – (United Cars, Gatwick Airport))



Mr Venes initially provided context to his question before stating that Crawley already has stricter standards for licensed vehicles compared to neighbouring Boroughs.  Now, in addition to those standards, when a licensed vehicle passes a Hackney MOT but receives an “advisory”, that advisory needs to be rectified immediately.  Why is this?













Supplementary Question:


It is not fair to have a standard above those set in the policy (i.e. requiring that an advisory is rectified immediately).  Would you agree?


Councillor Jones (Leader of the Council) in the absence of the Chair of the Licensing Committee


Your question relates to specific cases, and therefore it is not appropriate for me to discuss them in a public meeting as they relate to individual circumstances.


I agree that Crawley has high standards, this is something Crawley is proud of as it ensures a well-regulated trade in the Borough which is in everyone’s best interest.  It is the Council’s job to regulate the trade.  The points system was brought in to be open and transparent in explaining/quantifying the reason for any points incurred.  Officers implement the policies adopted by the Council and so any decisions they make will be based on those policies.  If there are concerns regarding those policies, we are prepared to consider those points.  Therefore, a meeting can be arranged with the Chair of the Licensing Committee, the Cabinet Member and officers to discuss the issues you have raised.




This is a specific point on an individual case which I am not aware of and I do not therefore feel comfortable commenting on that case.  I am prepared to refer this to the appropriate people so this can be discussed offline but, unfortunately, I cannot provide you with a satisfactory response tonight.


Richard Symonds – (Ifield)



Will this Council declare an Ecological Emergency in Ifield Brook Meadows - West of Ifield - just as Bristol Council declared an Ecological Emergency in Brislington Meadows four years ago?


Councillor Nawaz (Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development)


Ifield Brook Meadows is currently undergoing a biodiversity assessment which is due to be completed in the Autumn.  The results will determine whether there are additional ways to both enhance biodiversity and further protect the site.  The Council’s Local Plan designates Ifield Brook Meadows as a local green space, local wildlife site, and Crawley Local Plan policies therefore already offer significant protection to the site against development should any future planning application be submitted within the boundary.


Mohammed Azzaoui - (Kilnwood Vale)




I am one of the representatives from United Cars at Gatwick Airport. 


Since we have started a rally to try to get Uber opposed, the Council’s Licensing Department have undertaken three checks of drivers at United Cars. Why are these checks being undertaken now, following the start of this rally, when we haven’t received any checks for a number of years prior?


Supplementary  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Recommendation 1 - Nominations for Appointment of Honorary Aldermen/Alderwomen and Honorary Freemen/Freewomen


The Full Council considered report LDS/213 of the Head of Governance, People and Performance. Councillor Lunnon as the Chair of Governance Committee introduced the report which recommended proposed changes to the Council’s Constitution’s Protocol on the Appointment of Honorary Aldermen/Alderwomen and Honorary Freemen/Freewomen. The proposal was to amended the protocol to reflect that an Honorary Alderman/Alderwoman, whilst serving as a Borough Councillor, would not be entitled to be addressed as Alderman/Alderwoman or attend or take part in any civic ceremonies of the Council in their capacity as an Alderman/Alderwoman.


The recommendation was seconded and supported by Councillor Burke.





That the Full Council be approve that the Constitution’s Protocol on the Appointment of Honorary Aldermen/Alderwomen and Honorary Freemen/Freewomen be amended to include the following additional sentence:


“Where an Honorary Alderman/Alderwoman is subsequently re-elected as a Councillor, that Honorary Alderman/Alderwoman shall, whilst serving as a Borough Councillor, not be entitled to be addressed as Alderman/Alderwoman or attend or take part in any civic ceremonies of the Council as an Alderman/Alderwoman.”


Recommendation 2 - Appointment of Independent Person


The Full Council considered LDS/221 of the Head of Governance, People & Performance which proposed that Mr Peter Nicholson be appointed as an Independent Person for a further two years, noting that the Committee of Standards in Public Life (CSPL) recommends that local authorities appoint an Independent Person(s) for a term of office of two years.


The recommendation was moved and presented by Councillor Lunnon as the Chair of Governance Committee and seconded and supported by Councillor Burke.


Councillor Jones also spoke on this item.





That the Full Council approves the appointment of Mr Peter Nicholson as the Council’s Independent Person for a further two years until the end of July 2026



The Mayor asked that the Council’s thanks to Mr Nicolson for his long service of over 17 years as our Independent Person be recorded.


Results of Maidenbower Borough By-Elections - July 2024 pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To receive the Returning Officer’s report on the results of the Maidenbower Borough By-Elections held on 4 July 2024, CEx/069.


The Council received the Returning Officer’s report CEX/069, on the results of the Maidenbower Borough By-Elections held on 4 July 2024.


Councillors' Questions Time

There will be a maximum of 30 minutes for Councillors’ Question Time (CQT). Councillors may ask questions relating to either a portfolio issue or with regard to the functions delegated to a Committee.


There are two methods for Councillors asking questions:


1.      Councillors can submit written questions in advance of the meeting and written answers will be provided on the evening of the Full Council.


2.      Councillors can also verbally ask questions during the CQT.


Councillors have the opportunity to ask oral supplementary questions in relation to either of the methods above.


Name of Councillor asking Question

Name of Cabinet Member Responding

Councillor Crow to the Cabinet Member for Housing


Would you agree to investigate the viability of providing video entry intercom systems for the Council’s sheltered housing properties?  This would provide reassurance to those residents.


Supplementary Comment:


I look forward to hearing from you in due course.


Councillor Irvine

(Cabinet Member for Housing)


Thank you for your suggestion.  I will discuss this with the relevant officers in Crawley Homes.

Councillor Hilton to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change


There was a Council press release in late May regarding the new Penalties Regime which the Council introduced, following recent legislation.  This relates to the monitoring of clean air and chimney emissions in the Borough.  Forge Wood residents have contacted me with concerns relating to chimney emissions and industrial odours coming from the established industrial units in the vicinity.   Will the new penalty regime apply to these cases?

Councillor Noyce

(Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change)


The new civil penalty powers for emissions of smoke are only enforceable in smoke-controlled areas.  Most of Crawley is covered by Smoke Control Orders (SCO), however the SCO for Three Bridges (which covers Manor Royal and Crawley Goods Yard) specifically exempts industrial units and, therefore, the new powers are not applicable to the industrial units in question.  However, industrial installations, and their emission levels, are covered by other regulations.  The industrial unts in questions have a permit which allows visible emissions to only be steam.  The Council monitors Nitrogen Dioxide levels in the Borough and there are several monitors close to Forge Wood and nearby industrial units.  Those sites have measured the Nitrogen Dioxide levels to be well below the national limit for the last five years.  The Council has powers to improve air quality and act where emission levels are high and cause a nuisance.  Where persistent smoke causes a nuisance, the Council can issue an abatement notice to prevent further issues, ignoring an abatement notice is a criminal offence.


I will send these details through to you and, if you have any further questions, we can discuss them.

Councillor Burgess to the Cabinet Member for Community Engagement and Culture


It is great news that we have been informed by the Crawley Military Partnership that the Council have been reaccredited with a Silver Award for the treatment of our veterans.  What more do we need to do to achieve a Gold Award?










Supplementary Question:


Do we know of any other Council in the vicinity that has achieved a Gold Award?


Councillor S Mullins

(Cabinet Member for Community Engagement and Culture)


We have discussed this at length at the Military Partnership.  Going from Bronze to Silver was a big jump and to go from Silver to Gold is a much bigger leap.   We would like to try, and we will continue to see whether it is a possibility.  We outshine most of our neighbouring local councils in the facilities we offer  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Receiving the Minutes of the Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Commission and Other Committees including Items for Debate

To receive the minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Commission and Committees, as listed on page 23, and set out in the appendices to this item and to debate any Reserved Items contained within those Minutes.


NB:  In advance of the meeting Political Groups can identify any items they wish to debate as a Reserved Item.  These Reserved Items will then be the only matters to be the subject of debate.



Moved by Councillor Hart (as the Deputy Mayor):-





That the following reportsbe received:

·                     Overviewand Scrutiny Commission3 June 2024

·                     Planning Committee 4 June 2024

·                     Governance Committee 10 June 2024

·                     Licensing Committee 18 June 2024



There were no items for debate.

Appendix A - Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 27 KB