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No. | Item | ||||||
Disclosures of Interest In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, councillors are reminded that it is a requirement to declare interests where appropriate. Minutes: The following disclosures were made:
Election of the Mayor for 2024-2025 To elect a Mayor for the Council year 2024 – 2025 Minutes: Before calling for nominations for the election of the new Mayor, the outgoing Mayor welcomed newly elected Councillors Olu Adeniyi, Esther Barrott, Thomas Bidwell, Shelly Bushnell, Nick Hilton, Dipesh Patel, Dominic Ramsay, and Beni Yianni to the Council and took the opportunity to make a short speech to the Council about her Mayoral year, thanking those that had supported her and summarising her tenure having had the honour to complete a second consecutive year.
Councillor Hart’s Speech on her Mayoral Year:
I am now going to give you a brief resume of the past year. As I said last year, what a year it’s been, only the third Mayor in Crawley’s history to do a second consecutive year.
This past year has been a more ‘normal’ year, if being Mayor in Crawley is ever normal. Certainly, for me it’s been one of the most privileged times of my life – meeting and interacting with so many of the residents of Crawley. We’ve celebrated birthdays – 50 years of the Town Twinning with Dorsten, the 50th anniversary of the Ifield Barn Theatre and the 70rh anniversary of the Crawley Horticultural Society.
There were also visits to the many and various communities of Crawley, celebrating the diversity and inclusivity within the town.
Thank you for putting your trust in me for a second time. Thank you for supporting me.
My very special thanks go to Hayley, a great support, advisor and general keeper of the diary!
Finally, I want to say thank you to the Crawley AFVBC – my charity for the year. We’ve had some wonderful times together raising money for the veterans of Crawley. Thank you to the residents for every penny that they have donated.
It was then proposed by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Ayling, that Councillor Sivarajah be appointed as Mayor for the forthcoming year. A vote was taken.
That Councillor Sivarajah be elected as Mayor for the Council year 2024/2025. The newly elected Mayor was invested with the Mayoral Chain and made the statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Councillors Nawaz and Lanzer welcomed the new Mayor on behalf of the Council. In response to the congratulations, the new Mayor, Councillor Sivarajah, made a speech conveying the honour to be elected Mayor of Crawley. She announced that her husband would be her Consort for her year in office, and also announced that her Mayoral charity would be the Russell Martin Foundation.
Councillor Sivarajah’s Investiture Speech:
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed councillors, Today, I stand before you with a heart full of gratitude and humility as I express my sincere thanks for the honour you have bestowed upon me. It is with great pride and privilege that I stand here today, ready to represent not only our beloved town of Crawley but also to serve as a voice for our esteemed monarch, the King.
I am deeply honoured and humbled by the trust and confidence you have placed in me. To each and every one of you, ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |
Election of the Deputy Mayor 2024 - 2025 To elect a Deputy Mayor for the Council year 2024 - 2025 Minutes: The new Mayor then sought nominations for the position of Deputy Mayor for 2024/2025.
It was proposed by Councillor Pritchard, seconded by Councillor Charatan, that Councillor Hart be appointed as Deputy Mayor, whilst Councillor Crow seconded by Councillor Jaggard, proposed the appointment of Councillor Mwagale. A vote was taken.
That Councillor Hart be elected as Deputy Mayor for the Council year 2024/2025.
Election of the Youth Mayor and the Youth Deputy Mayor 2024 - 2025 The Mayor will call up the newly elected Youth Mayor to the top table to present the Chain of Office, and the newly elected Youth Deputy Mayor to present the Badge of Office. On behalf of the Council, the Mayor will convey his congratulations to both upon their election. Minutes: The Mayor called both Elijah Norton and Kai Atkins up to the top table to present the Chain of Office to Elijah as the elected Youth Mayor, and the Badge of Office to Kai as the elected Youth Deputy Mayor. Congratulations were conveyed to both Elijah and Kai upon their election and they were wished a very successful year.
Extend a Vote of Thanks to the Outgoing Mayoralty Minutes: The Mayor presented Councillor Hart with a commemorative badge to observe her time in office. Councillors Yianni, Crow, C Mullins and Rana conveyed their thanks to Councillor Hart and offered words of appreciation to the outgoing Mayoralty.
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on on 27 March 2024.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 27 March 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.
Communications To receive and consider any announcements or communications, including any additional Cabinet Member announcements. Minutes: Councillor Jones took the opportunity to congratulate Crawley Town FC on their promotion to League One and recognise the wonderful support from the town which saw approximately 17,000 supporters visit Wembley Stadium. Councillor C Mullins also spoke on this item and conveyed his congratulations to the local football club.
Results of the Borough Elections 2024 - 2025 PDF 134 KB To receive the Returning Officer’s report on the results of the Borough elections held on 2 May 2024, CEx/068 Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received the Returning Officer’s report CEX/068, on the results of the 2024 Borough Election, held on 2 May 2024.
Election of Leader of the Council and Announcement of the Cabinet To elect the Leader of the Council for a four-year term of office or until such time as their term of office (as a councillor) expires.
It should be noted that the current Leader of the Council, Councillor Michael Jones, has announced that he will be seeking re-election for this position and should he be elected the Portfolio Holder responsibilities, are included as report. (LDS/220). Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Nawaz, seconded by Councillor Y Khan, that Councillor Jones be appointed as Leader of the Council.
That Councillor Jones be elected as the Leader of the Council for a four-year term of office or until such time as their term of office (as a councillor) expires. Councillor Jones then took the opportunity to thank councillors for their support and welcomed the forthcoming opportunities.
Following his election as Leader of the Council, Councillor Jones announced his Cabinet and the related Portfolio Holder responsibilities to the Council along with the Terms of Reference and Appointments for the Cabinet Advisory and Working Groups as set out in report LDS/220 and the Supplementary Agenda. It was noted that Cabinet membership remained unchanged for 2024/2025.
To consider report LDS/220 of the Head Governance, People & Performance Additional documents: Minutes: The Full Council considered report LDS/220 of the Head of Legal, Governance, People & Performance, and the amendments within the Supplementary Agenda, which detailed the review of the representation of different Political Groups on the Council and to determine the size and membership of the Council’s Committees, Outside Bodies and Cabinet’s Advisory and Working Groups and Member Development Executive Support Group for the municipal year 2024/2025 in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and associated Regulations. The report also detailed the allocation of Chairs and Vice Chairs of those Committees. It was noted that the report contained a link to the latest version of the Constitution for Councillors’ ratification.
The Mayor stated there would be individual votes for contested nominations for Chair and Vice Chair positions, once the non-contested items had been approved.
The Mayor called for a vote on the memberships, nominations and the adoption of the Constitution (subject to any changes arising from this Full Council meeting being included prior to publication) which was carried unanimously.
That the Full Council:
1. approve the appointments and size of the Council’s Committees (taking into account political proportionality) for the municipal year 2024/2025, along with the Chairs and Vice Chairs as for those Committees, the appointments for the non-contested Outside Bodies and Organisations for the municipal year 2024/2045 and the appointments and size of Cabinet’s Advisory and Working Groups and Member Development Executive Support Group 2024/ 2025. A copy of which were detailed in an Appendix to these Minutes.
2. approve for publication the latest draft version of the Council’s Constitution, subject to any changes arising from this Full Council meeting being included prior to publication.
3. note the details of the Leader of the Council, Cabinet and Portfolio Holder responsibilities along with their appointments to Outside Bodies and related Portfolios.
Contested Votes – Chairs and Vice Chairs
The Full Council then considered the contested positions for Chair of the Audit Committee and the Overview and Scrutiny Commission.
a) Audit Committee It was moved by Councillor Irvine, seconded by Councillor Russell, that Councillor K Khan be appointed as Chair of the Audit Committee. Whilst Councillor Crow, seconded by Councillor Jaggard, proposed the appointment of Councillor Belben. A vote was taken. As a result of the vote, Councillor K Khan was appointed as Chair of the Audit Committee. Councillor Belben was therefore appointed Vice Chair of the Audit Committee.
b) Overview and Scrutiny Commission
It was moved by Councillor Ashraf, seconded by Councillor Pritchard, that Councillor Ayling be appointed as Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission. Whilst Councillor Crow, seconded by Councillor Jaggard, proposed the appointment of Councillor Hellier.
A vote was taken. As a result of the vote, Councillor Ayling was appointed as Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission. Councillor Hellier was therefore appointed Vice Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission.