Issue - meetings

Building Cleaning Contract

Meeting: 21/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Building Cleaning Service Contract Award

The Leader’s Portfolio


(Exempt Paragraph 3)


To consider report HPS/05 of the Head of Partnership Services.



The Leader presented HCS/05 of the Head of Community Services, to the Cabinet which sought Cabinet approval to delegate the decision of the award of the Building Cleaning Service Contract to the Leader of the Council, in consultation with relevant Cabinet Members. It was noted that the Council’s current contract expired on 31 May 2018. The Council was currently undertaking a collaborative tender process with Horsham District Council and Mid Sussex District Council for these cleaning services.


It was noted that Council had included the ‘real living wage’ as a requirement of the tender. It was also confirmed that an in-house bid had been costed, but that the cost was too uncompetitive and thus an in-house bid had not been submitted formally as a tender.





The Cabinet, delegates the decision to award the contract for the provision of the Building Cleaning Service to the Leader of the Council, in consultation with relevant Cabinet Members, following the evaluation of the tender process.


Reasons for the Recommendations


In line with the Constitution, Cabinet would normally award any contract with a total value over £500,000. Due to tight implementation timescales and the requirement to obtain Cabinet approval from each of the authorities participating in the tender process, the report recommends that the best approach in order to meet the contract start date is to seek approval to delegate the contract award decision. Due to the contract being cross-portfolio it is recommended that the Leader of the Council makes the award decision, in consultation with Cabinet Members who have responsibilities for the buildings included within the contract.