Issue - meetings

Three Bridges Station Improvement Scheme

Meeting: 21/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Three Bridges Station Improvement Scheme pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Planning and Economic Development Portfolio


To consider report PES/280 of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services which was referred to the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission held on 19 March 2018.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development presented report PES/280 of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services to the Cabinet, which sought Cabinet approval to commence the utilisation of the £1.5 million previously allocated from the Council’s capital programme to the Station improvement scheme, so that the next detailed design phase of the scheme could be implemented and subsequently achieved. It was emphasised that the Three Bridges Station improvements had been a partnership approach between the Council and West Sussex County Council (WSCC) along with other partners such as network rail, for a wide range of improvements to the areas at as part of the Crawley Growth Programme.


The Cabinet commented how pleased they were that the scheme was finally moving forward at great pace and acknowledged the importance of the station as the first impression of the Town for many people, as they arrive into the Borough. Thus the proposed improvement can only be of benefits to our residents and the wider economy.


The Leader of the Council invited Councillor Boxall on behalf of the Maidenbower Councillors to address the Cabinet on the impact of the proposals on Maidenbower residents. Councillor Boxall commented that whilst he and his colleagues were in general support over the need for the redevelopment of Three Bridges station, there were real concerns over the traffic impact of the proposal especial on Station Hill. Councillor Boxall requested that when the further traffic surveys, studies and modelling takes place that they must capture the main morning rush hour from approximately 7.30am to 9.30am. At this time currently the traffic can already back up to the Oriel School roundabout and with the proposed changes they were concerns that this would exacerbate the traffic in Maidenbower.


Councillor Smith in response to Councillor Boxall’s comments understood his concerns over the impact of traffic in Maidenbower. He confirmed he would request that the appropriate traffic management surveys take place at part during morning rush hour. Noting however that decision was partly out of his hands as that element was being undertaken by WSCC. He stated he would pass their request to the Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure at West Sussex, County Councillor Bob Lanzer.


The Cabinet noted the Overview and Scrutiny Commission’s comments on the report and its comments to the Cabinet following consideration of the matter at its meeting on 19 March 2018.





The Cabinet approves


1.         in principle, the overall design concept for the Three Bridges Station Improvement Scheme, subject to the detailed design stage.


2.         expenditure of up to £675,000 from the £1.5 million previously allocated from the Crawley Borough Council capital programme for spend on the detailed design stage of the scheme as part of the Crawley Growth Programme.


3.         the addition of £393,759.00 of Section 106 monies to the existing Crawley Borough Council capital programme allocation to the Three Bridges station improvement scheme as part of the Crawley Growth Programme.


Reasons for the Recommendation


The proposed scheme seeks  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7