Decision details

Gatwick Airport Draft Master Plan 2018 Consultation

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Gatwick Airport Limited has published its non-statutory draft Airport Master Plan setting out its vision of  ongoing development and growth at the airport for a 12 week  public consultation, ending on 10 January 2019.   The document explains how Gatwick would develop and grow in the next 5 years, and then sets out three scenarios for growth from 2022-2032; a single runway operation, routine use of the existing standby runway together with the main runway, and continued safeguarding for an additional runway to the south.  The Draft Master Plan also contains environmental, economic and community engagement information. 


The purpose of the report to the Council is to summarise the development and infrastructure anticipated in each of the growth scenarios and the environmental and economic information provided, highlight the implications for Crawley, and set out the proposed technical responses to the Consultation questions.  


As part of the Consultation Councillors at Full Council will be required to provide a clear direction to the Chief Executive on each of the responses to the Consultation questions.


The Chief Executive will then submit the Council’s response to the consultation as directed by the Full Council, before the consultation closes on 10 January 2019.



Reason for protection from call-in:


“The Chief Executive (as Head of Paid Service), has agreed that the decision should be protected from call-in under Scrutiny Procedure Rule 14(k) of the Constitution for the following reasons:


The decision will be debated by Full Council on 12 December 2018 and as such all Councillors will have the opportunity to discuss the matter in full.

The decision of the Full Council will be the view expressed by the Chief Executive in her response to the Gatwick Airport Master Plan 2018 Consultation


Allow the Chief Executive time to incorporate the Full Council’s direction into her formal response, before the final submission deadline of 10 January 2019.”


Publication date: 14/01/2019

Date of decision: 10/01/2019