Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommmend Forward to Council
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To provide the latest position on the
redevelopment and agree next steps
That Cabinet
a) notes the decision to rescind the Project Agreement in relation to Phase 2 of the Town Hall Site Redevelopment, taken after informing the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition
b) agrees to undertake an options appraisal on preparing the Phase 2 site for redevelopment, and subject to agreement of funding by the Full Council, delegate to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, the authority to proceed.
c) agree to settle the Final Account for the New Town Hall building as set out in Section 5.8 to 5.16 subject to agreement of funding by the Full Council
d) delegates authority to Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer, to finalise the remaining financial matters as set out in Section 5.17 to 5.21.
That Full Council be recommended to approve:
a) a supplementary capital estimate of £750,000 for the preparation of the old Town Hall site for redevelopment. Funded from existing capital resources and to note that there may be future borrowing for the current capital programme.
b) a supplementary capital estimate of £1.735m in respect of the Town hall project, funded from existing capital reserves. In addition to transfer the budget and amend funding in respect of the Phase 2 housing budget to the Town Hall project.
Reasons for the Recommendations
In February 2017, the Council agreed the deliverables of the Town Hall Site redevelopment, the budget lines to achieve this, and the delegated powers to develop and proceed with the development (set out in more detail in Section 4). This report provides an update for Members at a key milestone and seeks approval to allow the finalisation of Phase 1, and to progress with Phase 2 of the project.
Report author: Ian Duke
Publication date: 13/07/2023
Date of decision: 12/07/2023
Decided at meeting: 12/07/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 26/07/2023