Title: Cabinet Member for Public Protection
Party: Labour
Ward: Southgate
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Correspondence address:
Town Hall
The Boulevard
RH10 1UZ
Email: yasmin.khan@crawley.gov.uk
Mobile: 0771 780 1382
Download Councillor Yasmin Khan contact details as VCard
Yasmin was born in Preston and has lived in Crawley for over 36 years. She used to work as an insurance broker and runs her own charity, Humanity Aid, and a women’s group called Crawley Women’s United. For over 20 years Yasmin has been active in the community providing support and help to victims of domestic violence and organising English and IT classes for those in need.
As a councillor Yasmin wants to do more for the community and to help make Crawley a better, safe and happy place to live.