Early in 2022, the Full Licensing Committee amended the Councils Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy to include the mandatory requirement for all licensed drivers (current and new) to complete an Essential Safeguarding Course via a Council nominated provider no later than 31st March 2023. It has become apparent that at least 400 drivers have failed to complete this course and will not meet the deadline. Demand is now outstripping supply and an extension to the deadline until 30th September 2023 is now sought. The primary purpose of the taxi licensing regime is public safety and failure to complete this may compromise this objective. The Licensing Chair (Cllr Irvine), Vice Chair (Cllr Ali) and Cabinet Member (Cllr Jhans) have all given their approval to the extension.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/03/2023
Decision due: 17 Mar 2023 by Deputy Chief Executive
Contact: Ian Duke, Chief Executive Email: ian.duke@crawley.gov.uk.