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The Northern West Sussex Statement of Common
Ground (SoCG) and the Northern West Sussex Housing Needs SoCG were
approved by the Head of Economy and Planning on 17 July 2023. The
2023 versions of the SoCGs were published on the Crawley Borough
Council webpage and submitted to the Planning Inspectorate
alongside the Crawley Borough Local Plan to support its
examination, and demonstrate that the councils have met the Duty to
Since the previous versions of the SoCGs were agreed, Mid Sussex
District Council and Horsham District Council have progressed with
their Local Plans. The Mid Sussex District Plan was submitted to
the Secretary of State for its independent examination on 8 July
2024. The Horsham District Local Plan has been published for
Regulation 19 consultation and is currently being finalised for its
own submission to the Secretary of State for independent
On this basis, both of the SoCGs have been revised to reflect
factual changes and the progress made since July 2023. As these are
an update on the 2023 SoCGs to support the submission of the two
neighbouring authorities’ Local Plans, they have been signed
off by the Head of Service, in accordance with the delegation
scheme (and in consultation with the Cabinet Member).
The revised July 2024 SoCGs are published to the Mid Sussex
District Plan Examination Webpage.
Decision Maker: Head of Economy and Planning
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
To approve the updated versions of the
Northern West Sussex Statement of Common Ground and the Northern
West Sussex Housing Needs Statement of Common Ground.
Lead officer: Clem Smith
Cabinet is asked to approve the expansion of
the temporary accommodation acquisitions programme and to accept
the allocation of grant funding from the Local Authority Housing
Fund and Full Council is asked to approve the required budget to
support the opportunity acquisitions necessary to achieve the
objectives of this programme.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 25/07/2024
Effective from: 31/07/2024
Exempt Paragraph 3
Information relating to financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information)
That the Cabinet:
a) authorises the Head of Strategic Housing Services to enter into the necessary transactions and agreements to secure the LAHF funding allocation and to satisfy the requirements associated with this funding allocation.
b) delegate the negotiation, approval and completion of all relevant documentation, including legal paperwork to the Head of Strategic Housing Services, Head of Governance, People and Performance, Head of Corporate Finance, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Housing.
(Generic Delegations 2 & 3 will be used to enact this recommendation)
That Full Council be recommended to approve:
the uplift to the Temporary Accommodation Acquisitions Budget as detailed in section 5.8 below, for the purposes of securing additional temporary accommodation aimed primarily at reducing the financial burden of using expensive nightly-paid accommodation and to enable the LAHF funding allocation to be utilised.
Reasons for the Recommendations
The Council currently has 542 households in temporary accommodation, with 313 of these presently in nightly paid accommodation, including 113 out of borough placements. This represents the highest level of need and demand for temporary accommodation across the County. 3.2. The Council is presented with an opportunity to receive grant funding from the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) for the purposes of providing temporary and resettlement accommodation, which needs to be utilised by March 2026, with an element of match-funding required from the Council to satisfy the conditions of the LAHF funding allocation, and a budget is being requested to support this programme.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Russell Allison
Approve the current forward programme of key
procurements (over £500,000) and seek delegated authority for
contract award approvals following the appropriate procurement
process. To provide an update on the previously identified
procurements from January – June 2024.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 25/07/2024
Effective from: 31/07/2024
That the Cabinet:
a) endorses the updated procurement forward programme July – December 2024 (Appendix A of report FIN/661).
b) delegates authority to the Leader of the Council in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, relevant Head of Service, and Head of Governance, People & Performance to approve the award of the contract following an appropriate procurement process. This is with the exception of following procurements which will be subject to separate Cabinet reports; Waste Collection; Hawth Theatre.
c) delegates the negotiation, approval and completion of all relevant legal documentation, following the awarding of the contracts to the relevant Head of Service, Head of Governance, People & Performance, Head of Corporate Finance, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member.
(Generic Delegations 2 & 3 will be used to enact this recommendation)
Reasons for the Recommendations
By approving the procurement forward programme there is greater transparency of future procurement processes allowing more scope for internal stakeholders to input into how future contracts are delivered.
The approval of the forward programme provides a key decision that will enable the individual procurement processes to be awarded under delegated authority once the tender process has concluded giving the Council the ability to reduce the time required to complete a procurement process.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Becca Williams
Approve changes to the Council’s
Contract Standing Orders (CSOs) and Procurement Code to reflect the
Procurement Act 2023 which comes into force on 28 October
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 25/07/2024
Effective from: 31/07/2024
That the Cabinet delegates authority to the Head of Corporate Finance to review and make minor modifications to the Procurement Code as and when amendments are required following a review or any subsequent change to legislation and statutory guidance are introduced.
(Generic Delegation 7 will be used to enact this recommendation).
That Full Council be recommended to
Approve the revised Procurement Code attached as Appendix A to report FIN/660.
Reasons for the Recommendations
The Council requires clear rules about how it conducts procurement. The Procurement Code has been updated to reflect changes in legislation. The Code needs approval so that it can be incorporated into the Council’s Constitution
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Becca Williams
The report will set out the comparison of
Council’s performance against the approved strategy for the
year for its borrowing and investment activities.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 25/07/2024
Effective from: 31/07/2024
That the Cabinet:
a) notes the outturn for the financial year 2023/2024 as summarised in this report FIN/658
b) approves the addition of a Senior Project Manager within the Built Environment Team to be funded from existing and future capital projects. (para 9.9 of report FIN/658)
c) approves the virement in the Capital Programme of £67k from Allotments to Goffs Park (para 9.8 of report FIN/658)
d) notes the carry forward requests detailed in Section 6 of report FIN/658
The Full Council be recommended to:
a) agree to the transfers of reserves and level of balances as outlined in Section 10 of report FIN/658.
b) approve the addition to the Capital Programme of £1.1m funded from the Better Care Fund. (para 9.3 of report FIN/658).
c) approve the addition to the Capital Programme of £60k for Three Bridges Station funded from S106 monies received. (para 9.6 of report FIN/658).
Reasons for the Recommendations
To report to Councillors on the outturn, subject to audit, for the year compared to the approved budget.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 25/07/2024
Effective from: 31/07/2024
That the Cabinet:
a) approves the actual 2023/24 Prudential and Treasury Indicators as set out in report FIN/659
b) notes the Annual Treasury Management Report for 2023/24 as contained within report FIN/659
c) notes that the authorised limit for external borrowing set by the Council was exceeded for a short period during Q4 of 2023/24 and is now back within the set limit set by the Council.
That Full Council be recommended to:
Approve of the increase in the 2024/25 Operational boundary and Authorised Limits contained within section 5.4 of report FIN/659
Reasons for the Recommendations
The Council’s financial regulations, in accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice for Treasury Management, requires an annual review following the end of the year describing the activity compared to the Strategy. This report complies with these requirements
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Carolin Martlew