Register of interests

Councillor Sharmila Sivarajah

I, Councillor Sharmila Sivarajah, a member of Crawley Borough Council, give notice that I have the following Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal Interests, and am aware of the following Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal Interests relating to my spouse or partner:

1. Details of my employment or business - any office, trade, profession, vocation, partnerships or directorships
Councillor Spouse/partner
Anna Travel & School Services Ltd (Director) -
Crawley Borough Council (Private Hire Operator) -
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council (Private Hire Operator) -
2. Names of persons or bodies (other than Crawley Borough Council) who have made payment to me in the last 12 months in respect of my election or any expenses incurred by me in carrying out my duties
Councillor Spouse/partner
3. Description of any current contract for goods, services or works made between Crawley Borough Council and myself, or any body in which I have a beneficial interest
Councillor Spouse/partner
4. Address (or other description sufficient to identify the location) of any land in the Crawley area in which I have a beneficial interest
Councillor Spouse/partner
1 Parham Road, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 0ER -
5. Address (or other description sufficient to identify the location) of any land in the Crawley area in which I have a licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy for 28 days or longer
Councillor Spouse/partner
1 Parham Road, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 0ER -
6. Address (or other description sufficient to identify the location) of any land where the landlord is Crawley Borough Council and the tenant is a body in which I have a beneficial interest
Councillor Spouse/partner
7. Name of any corporate body having a place of business or land in the Crawley area, and in which I have a beneficial interest in a class of securities of that body that exceeds the nominal value of £25,000, or 1/100th of the total issued share capital of that body or (where the share capital is of more than one class) the total value of shares in any one class exceeds 1/100th of the total issued capital of that class
Councillor Spouse/partner
10 -12 The Boulevard, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1XX -
8. Any body to which I have been appointed or nominated by Crawley Borough Council as its representative
Name of body Position
9. Any public authority or body which exercises functions of a public nature of which I am a member or hold a position of general control
Name of body Position
10. Any charities or bodies for charitable purposes of which I am a member or hold a position of general control
Name of body Position
Diversity Crawley -
Tamil Learning Centre Crawley -
11. Any body whose principal purpose includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including trade unions and political parties) of which I am a member or hold a position of general control
Name of body Position
Labour Party -
12. Name of any person from whom I have received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £50 within the last three years
Name Nature of gift/hospitality
13. Any further declarations