Issue - decisions

2024-2025 Budget Monitoring - Quarter 2

28/11/2024 - 2024-2025 Budget Monitoring - Quarter 2



That the Cabinet:


a)             notes the projected outturn for the financial year 2024/2025 as summarised in report FIN/672.


b)             approves the capital virement of £204k from the ICT Replacement Reserve to the People Systems Programme (PSP) project.


c)             approves the capital virement of £550k from the Green Tech Business Grants project to the Innovation Centre Project within the Towns Fund programme.


d)             approves the delegation to the Head of Corporate Finance, in consultation with the Leader to approve a capital virement from the property reserve to cover the costs of fit out and related work at Ashdown House, up to the limit of £1.3m (as detailed in paragraph 8.8 of report FIN/672).



Reasons for the Recommendations


To report to Members on the projected outturn for the year compared to the approved budget.