Issue - decisions

2023/2024 Budget Monitoring - Quarter 1

28/09/2023 - 2023/2024 Budget Monitoring - Quarter 1



That the Cabinet:


a)     Agrees to note the projected outturn for the year 2023/2024 as summarised in report FIN/633.


b)     Approves a supplementary capital estimate of £70,000 required for data migration to the new Benefits Online and Document Management System this will be funded from the Welfare Reform Reserve. (para 8.7 of report FIN/633).


c)      Approves a supplementary capital estimate of £169,100 for the repair of the Pit Lift at the Hawth Theatre funded by £120,300 from the revenue programme maintenance budget and £48,800 from capital receipt. (para 8.8 of report FIN/633).


That Full Council be asked to:


d)     Approve the addition to the Capital Programme of £1,052,466 for Disabled Facility Grants funded from the Better Care Fund. (para 8.4 of report FIN/633).


e)     Approve a supplementary capital estimate of £6,000,000 for HRA acquisitions of land or dwellings to be funded from 1-4-1 receipts of £2,400,000 and £3,600,000 of borrowing. (para 8.9 of report FIN/633).


f)       Approve the addition to the HRA Programme Maintenance budget of £6,792,086, this will be funded from SHDF Wave 2 Grant. (para 8.9 of report FIN/633).



Reasons for the Recommendations


To report to Members on the projected outturn for the year compared to the approved budget.