Issue - decisions

Treasury Management Strategy 2022-2023

03/02/2022 - Treasury Management Strategy 2022-2023



That Full Council be recommended to approve the following items:


a)         the Treasury Prudential Indicators and the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement contained within Section 5 of report FIN/557;


b)         the Treasury Management Strategy contained within Section 6 of report FIN/557;


c)         the Investment Strategy contained within Section 7 of report FIN/557;


d)         to amend the prudential indicators in the Treasury Management Strategy 2022/2023 (FIN/557) as set out in Section 4 of this report (FIN/561) before considering the recommendations contain within it.



Reasons for the Recommendations


The Council’s financial regulations, in accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice for Treasury Management, requires a Treasury Management Strategy to be approved for the forthcoming financial year.  This report complies with these requirements.         


The recommended amendment to the Budget and Council Tax Report (FIN/560) would impact on the capital programme and prudential indicators in the Treasury Management Strategy. The recommendations in this report enable the financing of the revised capital programme.