Agenda item

Climate Change Scrutiny Panel Final Report

Environmental Services and Sustainability Portfolio


To consider report OSC/292 of the Chair of the Climate Change Scrutiny Panel, which was referred to the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission held on 1 February 2021.





Cabinet endorses the principle of the recommendations set out in Section 6 of report OSC/292, subject to a full evaluation as part of the development of the Council’s Climate Change Emergency Action Plan and for that Action Plan to be brought back to Cabinet for consideration as soon as possible.


That Full Council be requested to:


a)            endorse the Scrutiny Panel’s findings and recommendations contained within report OSC/292


b)            request that any necessary revisions to the Council’s Constitution relating to paperless committee meetings be made.


c)            Request that the Governance Committee look at the future format of the Council’s formal and informal meetings to consider which should be face to face, virtual or hybrid.


Reasons for the Recommendations


The recommendations reflect the motion agreed by Full Council and outline proposals to help the Council to achieve the ambition to reduce carbon emissions generated by Crawley Borough Council activities by at least 45% by 2030 and to zero by 2050s.




Councillor Jaggard as Chair of the Climate Change Scrutiny Panel presented report OSC/292 the Panel’s final report to the Cabinet. The Cabinet were reminded that the Climate Change Scrutiny Panel was established following a Notice of Motion at Full Council in July 2019, which had been carried unanimously. The remit of the review as identified by Notice of Motion was to “look into and make recommendations focusing upon the workings and activities of Crawley Borough Council relating to carbon emissions.”  The Cabinet were informed that the Scrutiny Panel’s large number recommendations reflected the motion and outlined proposals to help the Council to achieve the ambition to reduce carbon emissions generated by Crawley Borough Council activities by at least 45% by 2030 and to zero by 2050.


Councillor T Belben presented the O­verview and Scrutiny Commission’s comments on the report as detailed in report OSC/293, to the Cabinet following consideration of the matter at its meeting on 1 February 2021, which included:

·         It was considered that the Panel’s recommendations were practical and the idea of a climate change impact assessment document on any new project/change in policy or service was thought to be very important.

·         Recognition that in order to reach its carbon emissions target the Council may have to lead by example and change the way it works and adapt.

·         It was noted that the heating of the pool at K2 Crawley was the most major source of emissions. The Panel had fully recognised there were industry standards and there were mixed views from individuals on the pool temperature. However, it strongly wished for the recommendation to be considered.

·         Support for the Climate Emergency Action Plan should be regularly reported back to OSC and Cabinet. The Climate Emergency Officer Advisory Group would consider options for reporting back as part of their actions.  The officers’ group was best placed to have the expert knowledge and skill to identify actions, activities and timescales within the council’s services.

·         There was general support for the recommendations from the majority of members. However, there was concern raised from some regarding recommendation ‘q’ and paperless meetings, particularly the need to read reports thoroughly and the impact upon people’s eyes of such length of time on devices.  In contrast, there was recognition of the large environmental and financial benefits together with the availability of additional equipment along with further training. It was acknowledged the Cabinet Member for Resources took the decision that any newly elected councillor would be paperless from May 2018, whilst remaining compliant under the Equality Act.

·         During the debate Councillor Lanzer (seconded by Councillor T Belben) moved a proposed amendment adding a further recommendation:


2.3 c) That Full Council be asked to – Request the Governance Committee look at the future format of the Council’s formal and informal meetings to consider which should be face to face, virtual or hybrid.


Councillor Jhans, as Cabinet Member for Environmental Services and Sustainability was invited to speak. Whilst thanking the Panel and officers for a thorough piece of work, Councillor Jhans would welcome the action plan and regular reporting back.  It would be beneficial for the Cabinet to refer this back to the officer advisory group to translate into deliverable actions and in doing so proposed the following amendments.


Ref recommendation in 2.2: “Cabinet endorses the principle of the recommendations set out in section 6, subject to a full evaluation as part of the development of the Council’s Climate Change Emergency Action Plan and for that Action Plan to be brought back to Cabinet for consideration as soon as possible”.


Ref recommendations in 2.3: “Cabinet agrees that the recommendations in 2.3 in addition to recommendation 2.3c proposed by the Overview and Scrutiny Commission, be put to Full Council for consideration”.


Councillor Crow also spoke on the item and in doing so thanked the Panel for its hard work through the Scrutiny process and welcomed Councillor Jhans proposed amendment. He also commented believing that the Council should lead by example particularly on property, transport and energy, however with regards to a couple of the recommendations (f) the temperature at K2 Crawley needed to be comfortable and (q) there was a limit for screen time but he added this was only a minor point and the council was right to lead the way.


Councillors P Smith, Irvine, and Mullins spoke as part of the discussion on the report and were fully behind the principles of the recommendations. However, some concerns were expressed over recommendation (f) relating to the temperature at K2 Crawley swimming pool and (q) paperless committee meetings.  


A recorded vote was taken on the proposed amendment to the recommendations as moved by Councillor Jhans and seconded by Councillor Lamb. In accordance with the Council’s Virtual Committee Procedure Rules.  The names of the Councillors voting for and against the recommendations, along with any abstentions, are recorded as set out below:


For the recommendations:

Councillors Irvine, Jhans, Lamb, Mullins and P Smith. (5)


Against the recommendations:









The proposed amendment was carried.


A recorded vote was taken on the recommendations as amended in accordance with the Council’s Virtual Committee Procedure Rules.  The names of the Councillors voting for and against the recommendations, along with any abstentions, are recorded as set out below:


For the recommendations:

Councillors Irvine, Jhans, Lamb, Mullins and P Smith. (5)


Against the recommendations:









Cabinet endorses the principle of the recommendations set out in Section 6 of report OSC/292, subject to a full evaluation as part of the development of the Council’s Climate Change Emergency Action Plan and for that Action Plan to be brought back to Cabinet for consideration as soon as possible.


That Full Council be requested to:


a)            endorse the Scrutiny Panel’s findings and recommendations contained within report OSC/292


b)            request that any necessary revisions to the Council’s Constitution relating to paperless committee meetings be made.


c)            Request that the Governance Committee look at the future format of the Council’s formal and informal meetings to consider which should be face to face, virtual or hybrid.


Reasons for the Recommendations


The recommendations reflect the motion agreed by Full Council and outline proposals to help the Council to achieve the ambition to reduce carbon emissions generated by Crawley Borough Council activities by at least 45% by 2030 and to zero by 2050s.



Supporting documents: