Democracy in Crawley

How decisions are made and who represents you

Agenda item

Progress Report and Risk Management

To consider report FIN/481 of the Audit and Risk Manager.


The Committee considered report FIN/481 of the Audit and Risk Manager.  The purpose of the report was primarily to update the Committee on the progress made towards the completion of the 2019/2020 Audit Plan.  The report also included an update on the Council’s Strategic Risks.


The Committee discussed and noted the Audit Plan Reviews in progress, along with other work as detailed in the report.  The Audit and Risk Manager took the opportunity to brief the Committee on the work as detailed in the report and, in relation to the following areas, the Committee:


Work Completed in the Current Period:

·         Received background information relation to the Publication Scheme Review Audit.


Progress Report (Appendix A to the report):

·         Noted that information relating to the Business Impact Assessments Audit, Business Continuity Audit and Procurement Audit would be brought to the Committee meeting in November.

·         Received clarification regarding the remit of the Business Impact Assessment Audit.


The Committee raised some queries regarding the Community Grants Follow-Up Audit which had been considered by the Committee at its previous meeting (report FIN/475 and Minute 4 of the 23 July 2019 Audit Committee refer).  The Audit and Risk Manager informed the Committee that due to unforeseen staff absence it had not been possible to provide this Committee with a further update on this follow-up audit.  Information would however be brought back to the Committee meeting in November, and would include the results from an investigation of a select sample of grants, how systems had been changed to ensure their robustness and information regarding the segregation of duties.  The Audit and Risk Manager confirmed that Cabinet Members would receive a copy of any final report following an audit review relating to their portfolio, not just those which identified high priority findings.


The Committee discussed the update provided on Strategic Risk Management.  Following queries from the Committee relating to the following areas, the Committee:


Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity:

·         Noted that the Audit and Risk Manager had worked with the Head of Digital and Transformation regarding the level of controls needed.  The Head of Digital and Transformation understood the problems which had occurred during the 1st Phase of the works and had put in place controls to ensure that those issues were not repeated during the 2nd Phase.

·         Was informed that an audit would be undertaken in the future, if appropriate, to review the work.

·         Noted that members of the Audit Team attended the Corporate Project Assurance Group and the Town Hall Board to ensure that any risks associated with works undertaken were managed.


Recruitment, Retention and Succession Planning:

·         Was informed that, the Head of Corporate Finance did not have the exact percentage of staff turnover to hand, and therefore that information would be provided to the Committee via email.

·         Noted that since there was no longer a prescribed retirement age, the age at which each staff member retired was determined on an individual basis. 

·         Succession planning was in place to combat the ageing population of the Council’s workforce.




That the Committee receive the report and note progress to date, as at 6 September 2019.

Supporting documents: