Agenda item

Councillors' Question Time (continued)


Name of Councillor asking Question

Name of Cabinet Member Responding

Councillor Russell to the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development


Many of us in the room are aware of a number of difficulties the residents of Forge Wood are facing relating to rules and regulations over the development, and most of those are not of the making of Crawley Borough Council.  I would like to take the opportunity to thank Councillors from both parties who have worked together in a non-partisan manner and cross party way to help residents.  But we have a situation and I’ve been approached many times where we have residents who have been there for 8 years who are unable to put in planning permissions to make variances on their own property and their homes. What I would ask is please can the Cabinet Member work with officers to provide a very clear break down of what is holding up this situation, why is it they still cannot make these planning applications, what are the barriers to this, and when are they likely to be removed? I would be very grateful if you could work with the officers and Councillors and if you could produce a document that Forge Wood and Pound Hill North Councillors can work with the residents, so we can progress so this can be made available for us and residents.


Councillor Nawaz, Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development


I totally agree with you on the concerns raised by residents.  There is a complex process of planning applications and there are conditions attached to the applications which are mainly related to highway improvements generally.  However, I will investigate this further and work with officers and provide you with the detailed answers which will assist you and fellow Councillors in going back to the residents.

Councillor Patel to the Leader of the Council


Please can we have an update on the empty Chinese takeaway at Southgate Parade which has been in a very poor state of repair and a source of many local complaints, particularly over the last year. Whilst being empty there have been several instances of fly tipping at the rear of the property so it’s really important to address this empty property.


Councillor Jones, Leader of the Council


Southgate residents will be familiar with the issues concerning this property which I believe has been empty since before Covid and there have been instances of fly-tipping which required the Council to increase security at the premises.  The shop and maisonette were left in a very poor state of repair, but our Assets Team have ensured there has been a deep clean and the concerns have been dealt with. There were many legal delays, but the property is now being marketed and there has been good interest so hopefully it will be let shortly.


Councillor Hilton to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change


There have been a number of complaints about pollution going into the Gatwick Stream, which runs through Maidenbower, Three Bridges, Pound Hill North and Forge Wood.  It’s a concern for the ecosystem, and it impacts on wildlife and potential for contamination for both people and pets particularly. We’re working hard to identify the source, what can Crawley Borough Council do to help with those enquiries?


Councillor Noyce, Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change


In situations like this where there’s been a spillage or a pollution into a stream or a river the Environment Agency are in charge, and it needs to be reported to them.  They will take the lead and they have the enforcement ability and will report back to stakeholders.

Councillor K Khan to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change


The car park at Broadfield Barton has been in a bad state and I just wondered if anything was being done about this and please could I have an update?

Councillor Noyce, Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change


The issue with potholes in the Broadfield Barton car park had been going on for quite some time.  On 3rd September the car park was closed overnight and it was resurfaced on the entrance and exit which was where the main issues had been reported. These repairs appear to have been successful.


Councillor Ashraf to the Cabinet Member for Resources


In February 2020 a contract was signed by the Council with CityFibre for the provision of 90 public service network connections. I understand the funding for this contract came from a rates pool allocated to digital connectivity that was across West Sussex.  I see last month the contract was cancelled.  Can I ask why the contract was cancelled, if there are any financial implications for the Council and if there are none, what will be done with this funding instead? 


Councillor Rana, Cabinet Member for Resources


We did have a contract with CityFibre in 2020, and when we started this work the public service network connections were considered safe and secure options for connectivity and promoted by the government.  But since then, the Government is now advising against procuring PSN so, as the connections had not been delivered, we cancelled the contract with CityFibre. The Council has not lost any money and the money earmarked within the rates pool is to be reassigned for other projects delivering digital infrastructure and connectivity and officers are currently considered these.