Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change Portfolio
To consider report PES/473 of the Head of Economy and Planning, which was referred to the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission on 25 November 2024.
That the Cabinet:
a) approves and adopts the updated Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP) structure as set out in Appendix A of report PES/473, whilst noting the implications set out in section 9 of report PES/473.
b) agrees that the Council applies to be a member of the UK100 organisation, and that this be included in the updated Climate Emergency Declaration, and should the application be successful:
i. That the Leader of the Council signs the UK100 membership pledge,
ii. That the Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change be nominated as the Council’s representative to the UK100 organisation, and
iii. That the above Portfolio Holder Responsibilities be amended to include this appointment within the Constitution.
That Full Council be recommended to approve and adopt the updated Climate Emergency Declaration, which is accompanied by a new declaration of a Nature Emergency (Appendix B of report PES/473) and the ambition to join UK100.
Reasons for the Recommendations
The Council is currently committed to reduce all its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030, and to net zero by 2040 at the latest. The proposed updated Declaration would accelerate the reduction of emissions that are under the Council’s direct control, whilst allowing more time for reducing the Council’s indirect emissions (procured goods and services, and emissions from social housing and commercial leased assets).
Declaring both a ‘climate and nature emergency’ acknowledges the strong links between climate change, biodiversity loss and air quality, and the Council’s responsibility for halting biodiversity loss as defined in the Environment Act 2021. It also acknowledges the recently arisen opportunity for the Council to raise funding through the planning process to invest in Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) within the borough.
Halting climate change cannot be achieved in isolation, and joining the UK100 organisation will provide opportunities to collaborate with other local authorities in responding to climate change, strengthening the Council’s voice in advocating to government for action on climate, and improving its ability to access the funding needed for decarbonisation.
The updated declaration acknowledges the influence that the Council has over emissions and biodiversity across the borough and will help to coordinate action, whilst also acknowledging the dependencies outside of our control.
The updated Climate Emergency Action Plan is more delivery orientated with a clearer pathway for the Council to reduce its own direct carbon emissions to net zero.
The Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change presented report PES/473 of the Head of Economy and Planning. The report sought Cabinet approval for an update to the Climate Emergency Action Plan and Climate Emergency Declaration, to include consideration of a nature emergency declaration and an application to join the UK100 network. Full Council will be asked to ratify this decision.
Councillor Ayling presented the Overview and Scrutiny Commission’s comments on the report to the Cabinet following consideration of the matter at its meeting on 25 November 2024, which included that they welcomed the additions of the
Declaration of a Nature Emergency.
Councillors S Mullins, C Mullins and Jones spoke as part of the discussion on the report, with them expressing their support for the ambitious targets contained within the updated Action Plan and to the Climate Emergency Declaration. They also declared their support for the inclusion of the Nature Emergency Declaration.
That the Cabinet:
a) approves and adopts the updated Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP) structure as set out in Appendix A of report PES/473, whilst noting the implications set out in section 9 of report PES/473.
b) agrees that the Council applies to be a member of the UK100 organisation, and that this be included in the updated Climate Emergency Declaration, and should the application be successful:
i. That the Leader of the Council signs the UK100 membership pledge,
ii. That the Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change be nominated as the Council’s representative to the UK100 organisation, and
iii. That the above Portfolio Holder Responsibilities be amended to include this appointment within the Constitution.
That Full Council be recommended to approve and adopt the updated Climate Emergency Declaration, which is accompanied by a new declaration of a Nature Emergency (Appendix B of report PES/473) and the ambition to join UK100.
Reasons for the Recommendations
The Council is currently committed to reduce all its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030, and to net zero by 2040 at the latest. The proposed updated Declaration would accelerate the reduction of emissions that are under the Council’s direct control, whilst allowing more time for reducing the Council’s indirect emissions (procured goods and services, and emissions from social housing and commercial leased assets).
Declaring both a ‘climate and nature emergency’ acknowledges the strong links between climate change, biodiversity loss and air quality, and the Council’s responsibility for halting biodiversity loss as defined in the Environment Act 2021. It also acknowledges the recently arisen opportunity for the Council to raise funding through the planning process to invest in Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) within the borough.
Halting climate change cannot be achieved in isolation, and joining the UK100 organisation will provide opportunities to collaborate with other local authorities in responding to climate change, strengthening the Council’s voice in advocating to government for action on climate, and improving its ability to access the funding needed for decarbonisation.
The updated declaration acknowledges the influence that the Council has over emissions and biodiversity across the borough and will help to coordinate action, whilst also acknowledging the dependencies outside of our control.
The updated Climate Emergency Action Plan is more delivery orientated with a clearer pathway for the Council to reduce its own direct carbon emissions to net zero.
Supporting documents: