There will be a maximum of 30 minutes for Councillors’ Question Time (CQT). Councillors may ask questions relating to either a portfolio issue or with regard to the functions delegated to a Committee.
There are two methods for Councillors asking questions:
1. Councillors can submit written questions in advance of the meeting and written answers will be provided on the evening of the Full Council.
2. Councillors can also verbally ask questions during the CQT.
Councillors have the opportunity to ask oral supplementary questions in relation to either of the methods above.
Name of Councillor asking Question |
Name of Cabinet Member Responding |
Councillor Crow to the Cabinet Member for Public Protection
We have the PSPO for car cruising in the town, how well do you think that’s going?
Supplementary – Are you aware that on the evening on Saturday 20 July there was a car cruising event at Tesco at Three Bridges and a major incident due to over 100 cars. Were you aware of the major car cruising incident within the town. I did phone the police and mention our PSPO to them but do you know if anything has happened as a result of that major incident?
Councillor Y Khan, Cabinet Member for Public Protection
Recently we’ve issued 5 warning letters. Tilgate is the biggest concern at the moment. Following the warning letters, if there are re-offences, then fines are issued.
I am afraid I was not aware of that particular incident. I will make a note and follow up to find out for you. |
Councillor Ayling to the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Wellbeing
I am delighted with the investment which has been put into the Millpond Adventure Playground. But I would like see the building and the area next to it back in use. Can the Cabinet Member confirm if there are any plans to do this in the future? Can I also thank him for the new Council play areas which we visited recently.
Councillor C Mullins, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Wellbeing
We have a play areas refurbishment programme which is to make sure our play areas are up to date, safe and to be enjoyed by all the children. As far as the Millpond Adventure Playground is concerned, the full refurbishment is complete and proving popular with residents. But the building was empty. However, on 28 October at 3pm there will be an opening of a café (Ellie’s Café) which will hopefully be successful.
Councillor Jaggard to the Leader of the Council
During the last Motion, the Winter Warmer Hubs were mentioned that were set up at the community centres a couple of years’ ago and then they stopped. Is the Council going to set up Winter Warmer Hubs again in our community centres this coming winter to help those who are faced with the ‘heat or eat’ dilemma?
Councillor Jones, Leader of the Council
The assessment from previous years was that the support and provision from we gave from grants and other funding sources to some of the community groups and charities did seem to be addressing what need existed. There hasn’t been any strong consideration to returning to providing the warm hubs but if Councillor Jaggard would like to have a conversation offline we can consider any views and considerations.
Councillor Lunnon to the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development
Recently the High Street has been closed due to water works. I know it’s not directly in control of this Council but it’s obviously harming local businesses and residents’ enjoyment of the area and I just wondered if there was any update on when the High Street may be opened please?
Councillor Nawaz, Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development
I appreciate it’s impacting businesses and residents. I believe it’s the same issue and it happened possibly January as well where a water main burst. It’s out of the control of the Council, but WSCC Highways Department and the water company are dealing with it hence you’ve probably noticed the end of the High Street is currently closed. An email was received today notifying of a temporary closure, so we are working with them and hopefully this will be completed in the next few days. We will then work to clear up any rubbish. I will keep updated with officers and update you accordingly.
Councillor Belben to the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development
I was dismayed to hear that the closure of Marks and Spencer is now to be the 16 November. How do you now think this will impact our Town Centre and what are you planning to do please?
Councillor Nawaz, Cabinet Member Planning and Economic Development
I think we can all agree this is not good news for the Town Centre and I was saddened and surprised that M&S has brought this date forward as we initially heard it may have been January but now, due to extensive issues with maintenance of the building and staffing issues, it’s been decided to bring the decision forward. It’s a sad decision but M&S still see Crawley as place worth investing and are looking for different and bigger sites and I hope the company is able to find a suitable location. We will do all we can to help staff impacted by the closure through our Employ Crawley team.
However, the Town Centre is still successful, vacancy rate is only 11.3% so below the national average (14%). We continue to do what we can to encourage investment in the town for retail and footfall. The planning application for Station Gateway has been submitted and so the regeneration programme is still progressing well.
Councillor Barrott to the Leader of the Council
I firmly believe that decisions about local services should be taken closer to the people that they affect. We need greater powers, greater funding and greater responsibility to flow to local government as democratically leaders are placed. So it’s good that Government has made devolution a key strand of one of its five missions to kick start economic growth. I was pleased to see us submit an early express of interest for a Sussex wide devolution deal and I would be grateful if you could update us on how those conversations are progressing ahead of the English Devolution Bill in the next few weeks?
Councillor Jones, Leader of the Council
The devolution of powers down to local level is probably one of most important and exciting things this new Labour government is talking about doing. Crawley Borough Council has joined all the other district and boroughs in West Sussex in supporting this expression of interest sent in by Brighton and Hove City Council which suggests a Strategic Combined Authority that covers the whole of Sussex. When you look at some of the bigger public services that require that strategic outlook transport, health services, housing allocations, police, economic development, all are either run by central government or on footprints which are Sussex wide. A population the size of Sussex allows us to address the bigger issues.
Councillor Burgess to the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development
I have a resident who has asked me to thank the Council for the parks and open spaces and to thank the teams for their work. However, please can we bring some colour into the town centre, possibly by introducing some flowers. Also, I wondered what the current situation was with regards to the regeneration of the Decathlon store please? |
Councillor Nawaz, Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development
A lot of work has been undertaken by Creative Crawley where murals have been displayed on buildings to bring colour in the town centre and further sites are being considered to make it attractive. I will take your suggestion back to the officers, and also talk to Town Centre BID as well, because we have different partners and stakeholders. With regards to Decathlon, the planning application is in the system but there are other issues such as water neutrality. I will try and find out further information for you and issue an update.
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