Agenda and minutes

Waste & Recycling Scrutiny Panel - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room C - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

No. Item


Disclosures of Interest

In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, Councillors of the Council are reminded that it is a requirement to declare interests where appropriate.



The following disclosures were made:



Item and Minute

Type and Nature of Disclosure



R A Lanzer

Witness and Evidence Gathering Session

(Minute 3)

Personal Interest –

Member of WSCC (as WSCC is the waste disposal authority).



Minutes pdf icon PDF 773 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Waste and Recycling Scrutiny Panel held on 28 February 2024.


The minutes of the meeting of the Waste and Recycling Scrutiny Panel held on 28 February 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

Part B Business (Closed to the Public)


Witness and Evidence Gathering Session

Exempt Paragraph 3


Information relating to financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information)




Consultants Ricardo have been invited to assist the Panel by providing an analysis of the council’s current performance compared to other authorities, along with any barriers to recycling that may have determined through the research.


An update will also be provided on the National Waste Strategy: Simpler Recycling - Local Delivery and Projection Impacts (recycling, carbon, operational) as the Panel is aware of the impending implementation and is keen to understand the preparation for the changes.


Councillor Noyce has a standing invite as the Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change.



Whilst the individuals named above identifies those witnesses anticipated to speak at the meeting, this may change subject to availability and, at the discretion of the Chair. Further witnesses may be called in addition or instead of those listed above should they be unavailable.


Exempt Paragraph 3


Information relating to financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information)


The Panel had invited witnesses to help inform their investigation. Representatives from Consultants Ricardo (Abbie Cosslett, Shoira Masharipova and Abby Mason) had been invited to assist the Panel by providing an analysis of the council’s current recycling performance compared to other collection regimes, along with any barriers to recycling that may have been determined through the research. An update was also be provided on the National Waste Strategy: Simpler Recycling - Local Delivery and Projection Impacts (recycling, carbon, operational).  The Panel was aware of the impending implementation and was keen to understand the preparation for the changes.


Councillor Noyce, as the Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change had also been invited.


The Panel received an introduction and presentation from Ricardo, along with Head of Major Projects and Commercial Services and the Partnership Services Manager. During the discussion the following points were expressed:

·         It was important to consider the relevant recycling rates in Crawley and opportunities to improve those rates.  This coincided with work underway to introduce the separate food waste collection, resulting from government legislation (Simpler Recycling) whereby the majority of local authorities would move to a standardised recycling and waste collections across the country from April 2026. 

·         Ricardo had included options for the collection of waste but amendments in regulations resulted in further changes being considered and proposed. The Chair thanked them for the work undertaken.

·         As discussed at the last Panel meeting, whilst this was still to be confirmed, in summary changes for the Council could potentially see:

o   Residual (general, non-recyclable) waste collections to be collected (at least) fortnightly.

o   Co-mingled recycling will continue to be collected on a fortnightly basis.

o   A separate weekly food waste and absorbent hygiene products collection will be mandated.

o   Garden waste will remain a subscription based fee-paying service.

·         It was recognised that where an authority had moved from a residual waste collection to one which was less frequent (fortnightly) together with a food waste collection had resulted in higher recycling rates.

·         Clarification provided on the different options/collection regimes available together with the performance and attributing factors such as resources, vehicles, carbon outcomes and costs.  Other schemes currently underway at other councils were noted.

·         It was acknowledged that the packaging extended producer responsibility (EPR) was due to be implemented from January 2025, making organisations significantly more responsible for the recovery and recycling costs of their packaging. Variable fees would also aim to encourage the use of more easily recycled materials.  Furthermore, it was anticipated that separate flexible/soft plastics collections would be a requirement by March 2027.

·         It was noted that the Panel’s scope acknowledged customer and resident engagement, and this was especially important with regards to recycling in flats. Communal collection was a complex area and known for having lower participation and higher contamination levels. Engagement would be key especially with food waste collection as a requirement.

·         The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.



To agree any recommendations from this meeting to be included into the draft report.


The Panel felt further information gathering from other sources would be important prior to establishing recommendations.


General Update and Actions for Next Meeting

To receive any relevant updates/information from officers and Panel Members, including additional information required to advance the forthcoming meetings.  To include:

a)    Date of next meeting.

b)    Decide what additional information the Panel requires.


It would be key to maximise the recycling rates within the town within the confines of relevant cost.  It was important for the Panel to establish similar activities councils were undertaking, particularly in the recycling output in flats. The Panel noted the importance to learn from other authorities and requested further research be undertaken with regards to their collection regimes, together with the barriers and subsequent incentivisation to recycling. (ACTION)


The Head of Major Projects and Commercial Services updated that it was envisaged that a report would now be heading to the 6 November Cabinet (2 October Cabinet Briefing).  With that in mind, future sessions were agreed as follows:


Session 3 – Monday 29 July @ 7.30pm

·         Recycling - Local Interventions and incentivisation

·         Simpler Recycling – Crawley Implementation


Session 4 – Tuesday 17 September @ 7.30pm

·         Conclusions and Recommendations



1.      That further research be undertaken by officers and Panel members with other authorities with regards to their collection regimes and the barriers and subsequent incentivisation to recycling.

2.      Future meetings were agreed as Monday 29 July and Tuesday 17 September, both at 7.30pm.