No. | Item |
Minor Change to the Constitution: Councillors' Allowances Scheme The Head of Governance, People & Performance has agreed that a minor amendment be made to the Councillors’ Allowances Scheme in respect of the Special Responsibility Allowance for the Chair of any Scrutiny Panel. The following note will therefore be added to the bottom of Schedule 1 of the Scheme:
“*** This allowance will be a one-off payment made at the conclusion of the Panel. Should the Chair of a Scrutiny Panel subsequently take on another position of special responsibility before the conclusion of the Panel, they will be entitled to both allowances only if, in the opinion of the Head of Governance, People & Performance, they were Chair for the majority of the Panel's work.”
This change will take immediate effect and the Constitution will be amended when it is next updated. |
Change to Membership: Licensing Committee In accordance with Paragraph 2.1(o) of the Full Council Procedure Rules contained within the Constitution, and in concurrence with the wishes of the political group, the Head of Governance, People & Performance has made the following change to the membership of the Licensing Committee:
· Councillors Ayling, Irvine, and Nawaz to be replaced with Councillors Lunnon, C Mullins, and Russell.
This change takes immediate effect. |