
Bulletin No: IB/1237, Councillors' Information Bulletin - Tuesday, 11th June, 2024

No. Item


Delegated Planning Decisions pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Delegated planning decisions for the week beginning 3 June 2024 are attached.  Contact for enquiries: Jean McPherson, Group Manager (Development Management) on


Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders pdf icon PDF 25 KB

The following documents are attached in relation to Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders:

·        List of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders.

·        Salisbury Road, Tilgate (Appendix A).

·        Steers Lane, Forge Wood (Appendix B).


Additional documents:


Traffic Signal Refurbishment: Southgate Avenue

Works are scheduled to begin on 15 July 2024 at the junctions of Southgate Avenue/Southgate Drive & Southgate Avenue/Hawth Avenue to refurbish the junctions, before moving to the junction of Southgate Avenue/Tilgate Way, and then finally the bus gate at the southern end of Southgate Avenue, with all works scheduled to be completed by 15 November 2024.


These works include:

·        Replacement of obsolete signals equipment including upgrade to current standards and technology.

·        Updating the control software to the latest version, which includes improvements such as bus priority and timings.

·        Installation of LEDs to replace obsolete halogen aspects.

·        Replacing all tactile paving and converting the existing crossings to the latest Puffin & Toucan crossing standards.

·        Improvements to cycle connectivity including upgrading the existing crossing to a Toucan and associated footway works at the junction of Tilgate Way.


In order to carry out these works safely these will need to be undertaken under temporary traffic management which will unavoidably cause some traffic disruption.  In an attempt to minimise disruption, we will be utilising for the first time intelligent temporary traffic signals, which duplicate the current operation where possible, whilst two of the junctions are being refurbished.  Unfortunately, we do have a need to undertake night-time closures of some movements to facilitate replacement of some equipment; in particular, the right turn into Southgate Drive & into Hawth Avenue.  We anticipate the duration of these works to be around one week and in an effort to minimise disruption, intend on closing these movements from 20:00 until 06:00.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Traffic Signals team at


Action Taken Under Delegated Authority (Significant Operational Decision): Local Development Scheme June 2024 Factual Update

A key legal requirement of the Local Plan Review is that it must be prepared in accordance with an up-to-date adopted Local Development Scheme (LDS).  The current LDS was adopted in January 2023 by delegated decision of the Head of Economy and Planning. V This LDS updated the overarching timetable for the Local Plan Review to reflect previous delays in the Local Plan Review process.  It is published to the website and can be viewed from this link:  The Local Plan’s publication, submission and Examination took place in accordance with the timetable set out in this LDS.


However, this document requires some factual update and minor amendments in order to reflect the current position:

1. Amending the time period covered from ‘2023 – 2025’ to ‘2024 – 2027’.

2. Updates to the timetable of the Local Plan adoption in order to reflect the delay due to the Pre-Election Period for the General Election in July 2024.

3. Updates to reflect the evidence base progress.

4. Correlating updates to the timetable of the reviews of the adopted and new SPDs and Planning Documents to be progressed following the Local Plan adoption.


Therefore, on 6 June 2024, the Head of Economy and Planning made factual updates to the LDS to ensure the most accurate timetable position for the Local Plan adoption is published and to publish the Crawley Local Development Scheme 2024-2027 as the Council's up-to-date LDS.


LGA Resources for Councillors on Abuse and Intimidation

Information is attached for Councillors only.


Staff Changes: May 2024

Information is attached for Councillors only.


Press Releases

Press releases are available at