No. | Item |
Delegated Planning Decisions Delegated planning decisions for the week beginning 21 February 2022 are attached. Contact for enquiries: Jean McPherson, Group Manager (Development Management). |
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders The following documents are attached in relation to Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders: · List of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders. · Metcalf Way, Langley Green (Appendix A) · Crawley Avenue, Broadfield (Appendix B) · Southgate Avenue, Southgate (Appendix C). · Tushmore Lane, Northgate (Appendix D). · Snow Hill, Crawley Down (Appendix E). Additional documents: |
Road Closure: A2220 Horsham Road Information on this road closure is attached. |
Temporary Speed Limit: Horsham Road Bewbush / Broadfield Information on this temporary speed limit is attached. |
Council Tax Government 'Energy Rebate' Information on the Council Tax Government ‘Energy Rebate’ is attached. Additional documents: |
Action Taken Under Delegated Authority (Significant Operational Decision): Award of Contract for Traffic Management Services The Council has not competitively procured a contract for traffic management services previously and have had long standing agreements in place with a supplier. There has been a requirement for the contract to be properly tendered, for compliance purposes, and also to formalise the relevant contract management arrangements.
The Council, in collaboration with Horsham District Council undertook an open tender process for the provision of specialist traffic management services (such as blocking vehicles and lane closures) to ensure the Litter & Cleansing team can safely carry out their statutory duties along the district's high speed roads.
The contract is due to start on 1 April 2022 for a three year term, with a two year optional extension period, subject to the supplier's satisfactory performance.
An open tender process was followed and the Councils went out to tender on 5 November 2021. The tender was advertised on the Council's e-tendering portal, Find a Tender and Contracts Finder.
Two bids were received by the deadline of 17 December 2021. Both bids were scored by officers from both Councils. The bids were then moderated at a moderation meeting chaired by a Procurement Officer on 24 January 2022. Details on the submitted tenders are attached for Councillors only.
On 17 February 2022, the Head of Community Services awarded the contract to Company 1. |
Press Releases Press releases are available at |