
Bulletin No: IB/1094, Councillors' Information Bulletin - Tuesday, 24th August, 2021

No. Item


Delegated Planning Decisions pdf icon PDF 22 KB

Delegated planning decisions for the week beginning 16 August 2021 are attached.  Contact for enquiries: Jean McPherson, Group Manager (Development Management) on


Solar Together Sussex pdf icon PDF 200 KB

Following the success of the autumn 2020 auction, Crawley is again working in partnership withthe CountyCouncil andother partnerauthorities in Sussexto helpresidents installsolar panelsand reduce theircarbon emissions.

Solar TogetherSussex offershigh-quality solarpanels andbattery storageto peopleacross the county. It’s a group-buying scheme, which brings Sussex's households together to get high-qualitysolar panels at acompetitive price.

Residentswhohavealreadyinvestedin solarpanelscan optfor ‘retrofit’battery storageto get more fromthe renewableenergy theygenerate andincrease theirindependence fromthe grid.

Fromw/c13September20215,500Crawley propertiesidentified aspotentially suitablefor solar PVwill receivea letterinviting themto registerfor thescheme.

Householdswill beable toregister freeof chargefor SolarTogether Sussexbetween 23 Augustand 28September 2021. Theprocess isas follows:

·       Registration – the homeowner registers their interest in the scheme for free  They providesomebasicinformationabout theirroof, suchas sizeand orientation.

·       Auction – a supplier ‘auction’ will be held on 28 September when approved solarinstallers will bid to supply solar panels to all the households who have registeredtheirinterest,withthemostcompetitivebid winning.The morepeople thatregister, thebetter thedeal shouldbe foreach household.

·       Personalrecommendation -from thestart ofOctober, thosewho havesigned upwill be emailed a personal recommendation and quote from the winning supplier.This isbased onthe roofdetails givenduring registration.

·       Decision:Thosewho havesigned upto thescheme willthen needto decideif they want to accept the recommendation and quote. There is no obligation to continue.They willhave until26 Novemberto decide.

·       Installation:Ifthe recommendation andquote isaccepted, thewinning supplierwill bein contactto surveythe roof andset aninstallation date.


The Solar TogetherSussex schemeis beingrun ona zero-costbasis withcommission payments from theinstallations coveringdirect marketingcosts. for more information.


Additional documents:


Action Taken Under Delegated Authority (Significant Operational Decision): Extension of Lease Agreement of the Orchard Building to Crawley Community Action to December 21st 2023

Crawley Community Action (CCA), a voluntary and community sector infrastructure organisation, have a lease agreement (peppercorn rent) in place with the Council for The Orchard, 1-2 Gleneagles Court, Brighton Road, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 6AD, until December 2021 (a 6 month extension to the current lease agreement, to June 21st 2022, was agreed on 16th June 2021 with a view to further extension based on CCA's future business plan). CCA are seeking an extension to the lease agreement, forming part of their business model to deliver their future programme of work.


On 13 August 2021 the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Community Engagement, took the Significant Operational Decision to agree an 18 month extension to the current lease agreement, to December 21st 2023, based on CCA's business plan.


In signing the lease, CCA agree to:

·       Provide ongoing infrastructure support to voluntary and community groups in Crawley.

·       Meet with representatives from CBC on a quarterly basis to provide feedback against these outcomes.

·       Continue to ensure that existing and new voluntary and community organisations are able to access and use the space at The Orchard making it a hub for the voluntary and community sector in Crawley.


More information relating to this decision can be found on the Council’s website.



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