
Bulletin No: IB/1093, Councillors' Information Bulletin - Tuesday, 17th August, 2021

No. Item


Delegated Planning Decisions pdf icon PDF 20 KB

Delegated planning decisions for the week beginning 9 August 2021 are attached.  Contact for enquiries: Jean McPherson, Group Manager (Development Management) on


Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders pdf icon PDF 16 KB

The following documents are attached in relation to Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders:

·       List of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders.

·       Tangmere Road, Ifield (Appendix A).

·       Brighton Road, Southgate (Appendix B).

Additional documents:


Road Closure for Carriageway Surfacing Works: Broadfield Drive & Rathlin Road, Broadfield pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Please be advised that the roads identified in the attached document are due to be closed on the dates and times specified for carriageway resurfacing works. An alternative route for traffic will be signed on site where applicable.  These works are weather dependant, we will endeavour to inform you should there be significant changes to the programme.


This road closure is covered by the 14.1 order made on 21st June 2021.


If you have any questions regarding this specific closure, please email


Action Taken Under Delegated Authority (Significant Operational Decision): Publication of Authority Monitoring Report 2019/20

Local Planning Authorities are required by the Local Plan Regulations 2012 to publish a report from time to time an Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) detailing their performance in the preparation and implementation of local planning policies.

They are required to describe:

·         Progress made with documents detailed in the council’s Local Development Scheme (LDS);

·         Performance in the implementation of local planning policies, including identifying policies which have not been implemented and potential causes of/ solutions to non-implementation;

·         Details of any Neighbourhood Plans or Neighbourhood Development Orders made;

·         Details of Community Infrastructure Levy income and expenditure;

·         Details of co-operation undertaken with other councils/bodies in line with the Duty to Cooperate set out in section 110 of the Localism Act 2011.


In addition to these the Report details progress in relation to various indicators linked to the Sustainability Objectives set out in the Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal (SA), and sets out headline information related to the Council's Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register.


Publication of the Report fulfils the legal reporting requirements, as well as reinforcing the evidence base for existing and emerging local plan policies.  The Report includes an updated picture of recent and anticipated housing delivery in the Borough, and sets out that as of April 2020 the Council was compliant with the requirement under national housing policy to identify a 5-year supply of deliverable housing sites.


Therefore, on 10 August 2021 the Head of Economy and Planning, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development, took the Significant Operational Decision to approve the Authority’s Monitoring Report.  Once published, the Report will be available on the Council’s website here.


Next phase - Sussex Covid-19 Vaccination Programme

An update on the next phase on the Sussex Covid-19 Vaccination Programme is attached for Councillors only.



Press Releases

Press releases are available at