No. | Item |
Delegated Planning Decisions PDF 32 KB Delegated planning decisions for the week beginning 19 July 2021 are attached. Contact for enquiries: Jean McPherson, Group Manager (Development Management) on |
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders PDF 17 KB The following documents are attached in relation to Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders: · List of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders. · Crawley Avenue (Superstore Access), West Green (Appendix A). · Stagelands to Nightingale Close footpath, Langley Green and Tushmore (Appendix B). · The Millbank, Ifield (Appendix C). · Rusper Road, Ifield (Appendix D).
Additional documents:
Road Closure for Carriageway Surfacing Works: Balcombe Road PDF 46 KB Please be advised that the road identified in the attached document is due to be closed on the dates and times specified for carriageway resurfacing works. An alternative route for traffic will be signed on site where applicable.
This road closure is covered by the 14.1 order made on 21st June 2021.
If you have any questions regarding this specific closure, please email Eddie McCartney at |
Change in Membership: Planning Committee In accordance with Paragraph 2.1(o) of the Full Council’s Procedure Rules contained within the Constitution and in concurrence with the wishes of the political group, the Head of Legal, Governance and HR has made the following change to the membership of the Planning Committee:
· Councillor Ayling to be replaced with Councillor Buck. · Councillor Buck will be the Vice Chair of the Committee.
This change takes immediate effect. |
Replacement Article 4 Directions at Main Employment Areas PDF 109 KB Information is attached. |
Section 106 Committed Developers are often required through Section 106 planning agreements to make financial contributions towards the provision or improvement of infrastructure if a need is generated by the new developments. These monies must be spent as set out in the planning agreements and in accordance with government guidance. For member’s information, below are the details of the latest projects for which S106 developer funds that have been committed.
Car Club - As part of the planning conditions for Geraint Thomas House, a S106 contribution was collected to be used to contribute towards the provision and implementation of a Car Club on or near to the Development to benefit its residents. A dedicated parking space outside the front of the development has also been allocated. A car club provider has been identified, to provide a hybrid club car for a period of 3 years, with a contribution of £17,664 from S106.
Tree Planting Programme - As part of the planning conditions for Hilton South Terminal, Gatwick a S106 contribution was collected to be used towards the provision of tree planting and maintenance, in the Borough of Crawley in accordance with the Green Infrastructure SPD. £3,500 of the collected S106 Tree Mitigation Funds has been committed to the planting and maintenance (for 5 years) of 5 trees. This increases the amount of S106 Tree Mitigation Funds committed to £77,700 and equates to the planting and maintenance (for 5 years) of 110 trees across Crawley.
For more information please contact: Mandy Smith, Regeneration Programme Officer. |
Press Releases Press releases are available at |