
Bulletin No: IB/1089, Councillors' Information Bulletin - Tuesday, 20th July, 2021

No. Item


Delegated Planning Decisions pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Delegated planning decisions for the week beginning 12 July 2021 are attached.  Contact for enquiries: Jean McPherson, Group Manager (Development Management) on


Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders pdf icon PDF 17 KB

The following documents are attached in relation to Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders:

·       List of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders.

·       Haslett Avenue East, Northgate (Appendix A).

·       Mill Road, Three Bridges (Appendix B).

Additional documents:


Road Closures: Carriageway Microasphalt Surfacing Works pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Please be advised that the roads identified in the attached document are due to be closed on the dates and times specified for carriageway microasphalt surfacing works, and pre-surfacing preparation works. An alternative route for traffic will be signed on site where applicable.  Please note that these works are weather dependant, we will endeavour to inform you should there be significant changes to the programme.


These road closures are covered by the 14.1 order made on 21st June 2021.


If you have any questions regarding this specific closure, please email Chris Whiting at


Change in Membership: Planning Committee

In accordance with Paragraph 2.1(o) of the Full Council’s Procedure Rules contained within the Constitution and in concurrence with the wishes of the political group, the Head of Legal, Governance and HR has made the following change to the membership of the Planning Committee:


·         Councillor Buck to be replaced with Councillor Ayling.


This change takes immediate effect.


Change to Audit Committee Date

As agreed by the Audit Committee on 19 July 2021, the Audit Committee scheduled for 23 November 2021 has been replaced with a meeting on 14 December 2021 to allow the Statement of Accounts to be signed by the end of the calendar year.  Please therefore update your diaries accordingly.


Sussex Health and Care Partnership Publications

The Sussex Health and Care Partnership (SHCP) has published Our Journey Together; a document which sets out how health and care is developing across Sussex, its Vision for 2025 and an annual review of the last year.


The Sussex Health and Care Partnership is a collaboration of health and care organisations across Sussex. Its aim is to improve the health of people living in Sussex and ensure organisations are working in the most effective and joined-up way.


This week it has published Our Journey Together, a document which summarises the progress made, the ambitions and plans and the next steps for 2021-22. That document refers to some key plans and documents which support the building of those ambitions.


This includes Sussex 2025: Our Vision for a Healthier Future - that sets out where the health and care system wants to be in the future. It is a vision where people live for longer in good health; where the gap in healthy life expectancy between people living in the most and least disadvantaged communities will be reduced; where people’s experiences of using services will be better and where staff feel supported and work in a way that makes the most of their dedication, skills and professionalism. It is a vision where the cost of health and care will be affordable and sustainable in the long term.


Over the last few years SHCP has made huge strides in its journey towards this vision. A significant amount of work has taken place behind the day-today frontline delivery of services to focus on developing health and care system that enables its organisations to work in a more joined-up and collaborative way for the benefit of people living in Sussex.


Finally the ICS Annual Report provides an overview of the progress made over the last year. This work took place in the context of the addition significant pressures and demands facing across the health and care system.


The published plans help to set out the strategic vision for SHCP as it continues to build on delivering excellent health and social care for people across the whole of Sussex with integration and partnership at its centre.


You can see the full suite of documents here.


Staff Changes: June 2021

Staff changes for June 2021 are attached for Councillors only.


Press Releases

Press releases are available at