Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Monday, 9th October, 2017 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room A & B - Town Hall

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Councillor John Stanley


The Committee observed one minute’s silence in memory of Councillor John Stanley who sadly recently passed away.




Disclosures of Interest

In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, Councillors of the Council are reminded that it is a requirement to declare interests where appropriate.



The following disclosures of interests were made:



Item and Minute

Type and Nature of Disclosure




Planning Application CR/2017/0444/FUL - Kilnmead Car Park, Kilnmead, Northgate, Crawley

(Minute 5)

Personal Interest –

Ward Councillor for Northgate





Lobbying Declarations

The Planning Code of Conduct requires Councillors who have been lobbied, received correspondence or been approached by an interested party with respect to any planning matter should declare this at the meeting which discusses the matter. Councillors should declare if they have been lobbied at this point in the agenda.



No lobbying declarations were made.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 121 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 18 September 2017.


The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18 September 2017 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair, subject to the following amendments: -


i)          With regard to the date of the meeting recorded near the top and centre of the front page, delete the year “2018” and insert “2017”.


ii)         With regard to Minute 43 (Planning Application CR/2017/0127/ARM: Phase 4, Forge Wood (NES), Crawley), delete the 5th bullet point in the bottom half of Page 33, and replace with:-


·                Confirmed that the proposed system incorporated a 40% climate change allowance as per current guidance. In terms of air quality, the use of an acoustic barrier and drainage features along the eastern boundary of the site would create a ‘landscape buffer’ area separating the dwellings from the motorway.






Planning Application CR/2017/0418/FUL - 14 The Chase, Furnace Green, Crawley pdf icon PDF 328 KB

To consider report PES/240(b)of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services.





The Committee considered report PES/240 (b) of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services which proposed as follows:


Erection of first floor front extension over garage, two storey rear extension (amended plans and description)


Councillors Jaggard, Tarrant and Thomas declared they had visited the site.


The Principal Planning Officer (Marc Robinson) provided a verbal summation of the application and provided the following update:-


·         In terms of the Plans and Drawings Considered, as set out in the report, the Plan reference number for the “Proposed Floorplans” should be amended to read 1681 125-6A, whilst the Plan reference for the “Proposed Elevations” should be amended to read 1681 125-7B.

·         Condition 4 has been updated, as set out below:


4.         The windows above the first floor in the northern and southern elevations of the building shall at all times be glazed with obscured glass and apart from any top-hung vent, be fixed to be permanently non-opening up to 1.7m in height from the finished floor level.

REASON: To protect the amenities and privacy of the adjoining properties, in accordance with policy CH3 of the Crawley Borough Local Plan 2015-2030.


·         Whilst, since the publication of the report, an additional representation had been received raising an objection to the application, the issues raised had already been covered in the report.


Ms Barbara Hope and Mr David Hope addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  Many of the concerns raised reflected those detailed in the report,

including those made on the grounds of design, scale and loss of privacy.


The Committee then considered the application.  The Committee discussed the issues arising, including the concerns raised by the objectors, with some Members expressing their own concerns on the grounds of the front extension having an overbearing impact on the street scene. 


In response to issues and concerns raised, the Principal Planning Officer:


·         Emphasised that there was no reference on the plans and drawings which suggested that the proposed first floor front extension over the existing garage would project further than the intended 2.2 m from the front elevation – which was in line with the existing garage.

·         Commented that with regard to the landscaping of the front garden, this was not part of the proposal for this application and therefore could not be considered in the determination of this application.

·         There was a significant distance between 14 and 12 the Chase, with a property between them.

·         Commented that whilst the gable roof on the front extension would significantly alter the appearance of the dwelling, there were other properties within the Chase which had similar front gable features on their front elevation, including No. 13 the adjacent neighbour (north) and No. 10 opposite (west) and it was not out of keeping within the street scene.

·         Indicated that whilst the front of the property was much further forward to the footpath than some neighbouring properties, and that the front extension was greater than the Council’s own guidance, the proposed front extension would project no further than the existing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Planning Application CR/2017/0444/FUL - Kilnmead Car Park, Kilnmead, Northgate, Crawley pdf icon PDF 438 KB

To consider report PES/240(c)of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services.






The Committee considered report PES/240 (c) of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services which proposed as follows:


Redevelopment of Kilnmead Car Park for residential comprising 37 affordable housing units (3 x two storey two-bed houses, 2 x two storey three-bed houses and a part 2-storey, part 3-storey and part 4-storey block of flats containing 13 x one-bed flats and 19 x two-bed flats) with associated parking & landscaping (amended plans received).


Councillors Boxall, Jaggard, Joyce, Portal Castro, Stone, Tarrant and Thomas declared they had visited the site.


The Group Manager (Development Management) provided a verbal summation of the application and provided the following update:-


·         Since the publication of the report, a further letter of representation had been received raising an objection to the application.  The issues raised had already been covered in the report.

·         The Committee was advised of the need for an amendment to Paragraph 5.35 of the report, whereby the comment regarding the removal of 38 trees, should read 36 trees.

·         The following amendments to conditions were required as below:-


Amended wording is underlined


Condition 15 – Amendment – Replace 1st sentence with the following wording:

No development, including site works of any description, shall take place on the site unless and until all the existing trees/bushes/hedges to be retained on the site have been protected in accordance with the Tree Retention and Protection Plan within the Tree Development Report provided by Connick Tree Consultants dated 20th September 2017.   Within the.….


Condition 19 – Insert ‘has’ into condition to read: will be implemented, has been submitted to,…….


Condition 21 – Change first part of the first sentence to read:

The residential units shall not be occupied until full….


Condition 25 – Change first part of first sentence to read:

The dwellings hereby approved shall not be occupied until a scheme…….


Condition 26 – Change first part of sentence to read:

Before the occupation of the development hereby permitted, details of…


Dr Sayinthen Vivekananthamaddressed the Committee in objection to the application, whilst Ms Kay Brown, the Agent, addressed the Committee in support of the application.  Many of the concerns raised by Dr Vivekanantham reflected those detailed in the report, including those made on the grounds of: loss of parking provision and limited on-street parking capacity in the area, and impact on the character of the area, with reference also made to the consultation process and a request for more time to consider the plans.


The Committee then considered the application.  The Committee discussed the issues arising, including the comments made by the Agent and the concerns raised by the objector, with some Members expressing their own concerns on the level of parking provision for the development, loss of town centre parking for shoppers and residents and loss of other town centre car parks more generally. 


In response to issues and concerns raised, the Principal Planning Officer:


·         Confirmed that the car parking arrangement would provide a total of 31 car parking spaces within the site:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Planning Application CR/2017/0125/ARM - Phase 4A, Forge Wood (NES), Crawley pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider report PES/240(a)of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services.






The Committee considered report PES/240 (a) of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services which proposed as follows:


Approval of reserved matters for Phase 4A for 147 dwellings and associated works in relation to outline planning permission CR/2015/0552/NCC for a new mixed use neighbourhood (amended plans).


The Principal Planning Officer (Valerie Cheesman) provided a verbal summation of the application.


Mr David Hutchison, the Agent, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Committee then considered the application.  In response to issues raised, the Principal Planning Officer:


·         Acknowledged the need for a clerical correction to Paragraph 5.6 of the report, as below:-


In the final line of that Paragraph, delete “4.1 dwellings” and insert “41 dwellings”.


·         Explained that the swale within the development was a depression in the ground and was part of the drainage strategy. The bund and fence were part of the noise mitigation measures along the M23.

·         Explained that in terms of air quality, the dwellings are required to be separated from the motorway by a landscape buffer zone comprising the acoustic bund and fence, drainage features and landscaping

·         Indicated that an informative would be added to seek the monitoring of air quality.





Approved, subject to:


(i)         The conditions and informatives set out in report PES/240 (a).


(ii)        An additional informative being inserted to seek the monitoring of air quality.




Planning Application CR/2017/0519/FUL - The Imperial, Broadfield Barton, Broadfield, Crawley pdf icon PDF 308 KB

To consider report PES/240(d)of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services.





The Committee considered report PES/240 (d) of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services which proposed as follows:


Demolition of the existing public house and associated flat and the erection of a five storey mixed use development consisting of 7 x one bedroom and 12 x two bedroom flats, 1 x drinking establishment (A4 use) and 2 x retail units (A1 use), with lower ground floor parking (amended description and plans).


Councillors Boxall, Jaggard, Joyce, Portal Castro and Tarrant declared they had visited the site.


The Principal Planning Officer (Marc Robinson) provided a verbal summation of the application and provided the following update.


·         Condition 8 (now condition 9) has been updated, as set out below:


Prior to the installation of any shopfronts (including the drinking establishment), windows, doors and balconies, detailed drawings of them comprising the whole element, to include the reveals, at a scale of 1:20 and joinery details at a scale of no less than 1:5  shall first have been submitted to and been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The shopfronts, windows, doors and balconies shall thereafter be implemented only in accordance with the approved details.

REASON: To ensure a building of quality in accordance with policy CH3 of the Local Plan 2015-2030.



Mr Richard Elliott, the Agent, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Committee then considered the application.  In response to issues raised, the Principal Planning Officer:


·         Indicated that the distance between the front of the proposed development and the existing shops was approximately 10 meters.

·         Confirmed that security issues were the subject of condition 20.

·         Indicated that the lifts for the commercial and residential use would be separated from the public house.

·         Referred to the fact that the nearby garage was open for 24 hours.

·         Emphasised that the public house on the site was defined as a community facility and its loss would be contrary in principle to policies CH1 and IN1 of the Crawley Borough Local Plan 2015-2030 that sought the retention of these community facilities and the protection of the operation of the neighbourhood centres.  

·         The proposal sought to replace the existing public house with a smaller A4 use class drinking establishment on the ground floor of the new building, opening out onto the pedestrianised Broadfield Barton. 

·         Commented that whilst the Planning Authority could not enforce people to operate the proposed public house to keep it open, it was essential that there were adequate controls to ensure that the replacement A4 drinking establishment use was re-provided and the current building was not demolished and the site left empty.  It was recommended that this would require control via a legal agreement, in addition to the infrastrucuture S106 requirements. 

·         Confirmed that subject to these controls and the respective conditions, the development would provide additional housing including 40% affordable units.

·         Emphasised that security issues would continue to be the subject of further control.

·         Acknowledged the suggestion that a new condition should be inserted to provide more flexible use in terms  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Planning Application CR/2017/0667/LBC - Langley Grange, Langley Walk, Langley Green, Crawley pdf icon PDF 296 KB

To consider report PES/240(e)of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services.






The Committee considered report PES/240 (e) of the Head of Economic and Environmental Services which proposed as follows:


Listed building consent for reinstatement of oak floor boarding, raising the floor in the landing store and connecting the bathroom to existing drainage.

structural works to ground floor and basement, sump pump to basement to drain to inspection chamber, installation of mechanical ventilation to basement, fire alarm and electrical cables to be run in conduit, re-siting of heating and domestic pipe work as required and formalising of the replacement roof tiles. (Amended description).


The Principal Planning Officer (Marc Robinson) provided a verbal summation of the application.


The Committee then considered the application.





Grant, subject to the conditions set out in report PES/240 (e).


Supplemental Agenda

Any urgent item(s) complying with Section 100(B) of the Local Government Act 1972.