Issue - meetings

Appointment to Crawley Town Centre BID Board

Meeting: 11/03/2020 - Cabinet (Item 9)

Council's Nomination to Crawley Town Centre BID Board

The Leader’s Portfolio




A Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID) is due to be established in 2020 for a period of 5 years, following a ballot in November 2019 of all non-domestic ratepayers with a rateable value of £10,000 or more within the area entitled to vote.  Over £2million could be invested into the BID area over the next five years. The funds would be spent on a range of priority town centre improvement initiatives identified by prospective BID levy payers, as set out in the Town Centre BID Business Plan, which will help to grow and sustain a thriving town centre.


Crawley Borough Council has been invited to join the Town Centre BID Board and to submit its nomination. External advice has been obtained confirming that there is no issue with an individual sitting on more than one BID Board. It is therefore recommended that the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development is the nominated representative.




The Cabinet is recommended to:

a)     Nominate the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development as the Council’s representative to the Town Centre BID Board.


b)     Amend the Portfolio Responsibilities to include this appointment within the Constitution.



The Leader of the Council present report PES/347 by the Head of Economy and Planning, which sought a nomination from the Council, for a Councillor to join the soon to be established Town Centre BID Board, following the successful ballot in November 2019.


It was noted that external advice has been obtained confirming that there was no issue with an individual sitting on more than one BID Board.





That the Cabinet nominates the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development as the Council’s representative to the Town Centre BID Board, and the Portfolio Responsibilities be amended to include this appointment within the Constitution.